Chapter 21

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Midoriya POV

Ever since I was late to class me and Kacchan have been getting up even earlier. If one of us didn't wake up to our alarm then whoever was awake would wake the other up. Kacchan was also being significantly nicer to me. He wouldn't yell at me for no reason, and Kirishima didn't even need to glare at him for him to resist saying something rude; he would always catch himself before saying something. As much as it creeps me out, I'm glad he isn't a complete asshole anymore.

I was going through my phone looking through the news when Kacchan walked in. "Oi, Pinky said to gather everyone for truth or dare. If I have to suffer through this so do you, Deku. So get your lazy ass up and head downstairs." And with that, he walked out.

"Okay...-" I mumbled to myself before getting up and putting on a green hoodie. I walked downstairs and saw a majority of the class siting either on the floor or couches in a weird circle. I walked over to a couch and sat beside Todo. He smiled softly at me which returned with a nervous smile.

"You seen nervous."

I chuckled. "It's truth or dare with Mina, why wouldn't I be scared?"

He nodded his head. "Good point."

I looked around to see all who attended. There was Mina, Kaminari, Sero, Kirishima, Kacchan, Jiro, Momo, Tsu, Uraraka, Me, Todo, Ojiro, and Hagakure. Only 7 people missing.

"Okay, so I'm guessing you're all wondering why I've gathered you all here today." Mina said, standing up.

"We know why fucking Raccoon Eyes-"

"Shh Bakubro, just let her finish."

"We are going to be playing- drum roll please...!" The only people that participated in the drum roll were Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, and Hagakure. "Truth or dare!!! But- it's spin the bottle. Let me explain the instructions. You spin the bottle and whoever it lands on has to pick a card out of this hat, which either has a truth or a dare on it. Some of them won't be too bad, but it really depends on what type of person you are, and how well you can handle it. Any questions?" I looked around seeing that no one had any. "Good. I call going first!"

She spun the bottle which landed on Kacchan. He picked a card out and read it out loud. "Drink a shot of hot sauce. Easy." He got up and filled a cup with hot sauce- probably a little more than a shot would be- and drank it in one swallow. "My turn."

He sat back down and spun the bottle which landed on Kaminari. Kaminari picked a card. "Dare! Kiss your crush..." His usual smile fell and his face flushed red. "Uhh- what do I do if my crush isn't present-?"

He looked at Mina hoping for her to let it slide. But instead, she giggled and said "Then tell us who your crush is!"

He got even more red to where it looked like Kirishima's hair. "S-Shinso..."

My eyes grew wide. "WOAH SERIOUSLY?!" I meant to say it normally but it came out as more of a yell. Everyone turned towards me. I blushed "I-I just mean that S-Shinso said something about you too...s-so you should tell him or something!" I smiled at him.

His eyes grew wide. "Wait so he might actually like me too-? YES!!" He pumped his fist in the air and I giggled.

"Alright everyone let's continue! Kami, spin the bottle."

He nodded and spun it. It was spinning for a couple seconds before it finally landed Noooo. I carefully dig my hand through the hat and pull out a card. "Hum your song and see if anyone in the room has the same one. . ." I blushed slightly and turned to Mina. "Do I have to?"

"Yep! And if you don't then I get to choose you a dare!"

I thought about it for a second. Either find out who my soulmate is if they're in this room. Or let Mina choose a dare for me. Hmmm. . .

You killed people just to find your soulmate. This is the best chance you have! Though, I will miss killing people...

But...I don't know. What if I'm not satisfied with it?

There's only a few people in the room that wouldn't make a good soulmate. Just hum your song and find out already.

I sighed. Fine. I started humming the tune of my song. (Peace sign AKA one of the intros) I could feel everyone looking at me but I didn't dare look at them. When I was done with a peice of the song I closed my eyes to compose myself. No one was saying anything and I wasn't sure if that was a good or bad sign.

I could hear Kirishima say something. "Yo okay?"

Hi there! Sorry I didn't post for a bit, school just started and even though I'm barely doing anything (there's plenty missing assignments) I still avoid this story. buuuut guess what? I'm pretty sure in somewhere between now and five chapters this fanfic is probably gonna be over. So there's that. Uhh- sorry I always make these at the end so hello if you actually read these things and HAVE A FANTASTIC DAY OR NIGHT!!!

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