Chapter 4

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Midoriya POV

School was boring as usual. Kacchan didn't pick on me as much as he usually did though. I wonder if I finally got to him. It would be nice if he was like this everyday.


I was packing up my things to go home when i heard my 'name' be called. Ugh. What is it now. "Yeah Kacchan?" I looked up at him.

"What school are you applying to?" He still had on his usual scowl, but. . . he almost seemed. . . calm. DID SOMEONE BREAK KACCHAN?!

"U-uhm. UA. . . same as you." I looked down at my hands and glanced back up at him. Why isn't he saying anything?! "Hm. No smart comment? No 'You can never become a hero with a quirk like that'? No, 'A villain like you can never become a hero'? No, 'Why would a villain want to become a hero'? Interesting. You were quieter than usual-"

"SHUT UP!" He slammed his hand on a table with smoke forming and mini explosions coming from his other hand. "YOU LISTEN TO ME DEKU. NO MATTER WHAT I WILL ALWAYS BE BETTER THAN YOU AND YOU'LL STILL ALWAYS BE NOTHING! GOT THAT?! YOU'LL NEVER BEAT ME AND YOU KNOW IT!" He growled. (Damn he really is like a Pomeranian) "So just make sure you don't get in my way." he turned around and started to walk out.

"U-uhh. R-right. Y-yeah. . . I- " I sighed. "I know Kacchan. . . "

He paused for a second. "Good." And with that, he walked away.

Of course I know you're better than me Kacchan. . . you always have been. Your quirk is powerful-no. Not just your quirk. YOU are powerful. Your strength, your words, your affect on others. It may not be healthy but you're so admirable. You only look at your own goals and you don't get caught up with people's lives. You look on how things could be beneficial for your future. . . Even if it means trying to push me away. Yeah, sure you're a jerk. I've always hated you but. . . you were so cool. Even as kids I admired you. You weren't afraid of anything, you never let people bring you down, you have such a big ego. . . I wish I could be the same. But I'm not. And I never will be. So don't tell me things I already know, dammit. I'm not stupid. But, I do want to go to UA. Aside from being a killer, it'll give me more possibilities to find my soulmate without killing anyone. Even if I do love killing, it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. I will not kill anymore. . .or I'll try not to anyway.

I frowned. Why do I have to think so much?

I finished gathering up my things and left the building. I got a taxi to my house and payed the driver. Once I was all situated and put away all my things for school on the floor of my room, I got on my phone.


I texted him. Hey! It's Midoriya! Wanna hang out?

Todoroki POV (Surprise, surprise)

My phone dinged.

*** *** ****: Hey! It's Midoriya! Wanna hang out?

I smiled at my phone. I replied. Yeah sure. Where at?

💚Zuku💚: How about that one food place on *Insert street name here*?

🤍Todo❤️: Yeah sounds great. It's really close to my house, so how long would it take you to get there?

💚Zuku💚: It'll take me about ten minutes, but I need to get a little situated. Just give me 15 minutes to get ready and then I'll leave. So in total it'll be about 25 minutes until I arrive.

🤍Todo❤️: Yep, that's fine. It'll give me time to get a little situated as well.

💚Zuku💚: Okay! Then it all works out! See you there!

🤍Todo❤️: See ya.

I put down my phone. Does this count as a date? I don't think so. I only really met him today. I've seen him a couple times before but never had the courage to actually speak to him. So, thank goodness he was the one to start a conversation at the coffee shop.

I got more situated and put on a casual gray hoodie and jeans. The closer it got to the time we were meeting up the more nervous I got. It's not a date. It's not a date. It's not a date!

I sighed. I really hope he's more situated than I am.

Meanwhile, at the Midoriya House Hold~

"Mom! Mooommmm!!!!"

"Yes Izuku? Is something wrong?" She had a worried look on her face.

"U-uhmm. So, I-I um." She knows I'm gay! Just tell her a cute guy said yes to go meet up with me at a lunch place. C'mon, it's not that hard. "uhmacuteguysaidyestomeetupwithmeatalunchplaceandIdon'tknowwhatIshouldwearsoplaeshelp."

"Sweetie, calm down. Okay, now, say that again. And slower this time, preferably."

I sighed. "A cute guy said yes to meet up with me at a lunch place and I don't know what I should wear so please help." I still said it kinda quickly but slow enough to where she could catch on.


"Mom! Mom! Calm down." I chuckled.

"Oh, heh, sorry about that. It's just. . . well, you were never one who would actually partake in something like this. I'm just. . ." She sighed and looked at me while grabbing my shoulders. "I'm really proud of you, son." She pulled me into a hug and I hugged back.

I was the one to pull away. "Okay, so will you help choose something to wear?"

"Oh! Of course! C'mon. Let's see what you have."

We settled for a casual zip-up jean jacket that had a fabric inside, sleeves, and hood. I wore a green T-Shirt under it that said 'HERO' in black lettering. I also wore jeans and black Converse.

"Sooo." My mom started to say. "What's his name?"

I laughed at her curiosity. "Shoto Todoroki. But, in exchange of me calling him 'Todo' I'm letting him call me 'Zuku'."

"Ohh!!! That's so sweet and cute!" She smiled at me while cupping my cheek. "He already sounds nice."

"Heh, Yeah, he is."

3rd Person (Whaaa? Bet you weren't expecting that)

Both boys were nervous. And both weren't sure whether or not this is was a date.

"HI!" Midoriya slightly yelled towards the other boy to get his attention.

Todoroki smiled. (I think Midoriya died at the sight). "Hey."

They were just outside of the small restaurant. Todoroki examined Midoriya's cloths. "Hm. You look better than I do. Now I kinda wished I dressed up more."

Izuku blushed. "W-what? I don't think you look bad! If anything you look really good! Don't be upset, I didn't know what to wear so I just chose this." While he was a blushing mess on the inside and out, Todoroki seemed rather calm. But inside he was screaming at how adorable the other boy was being. He needs to stop being cute before I end up dying from a heart attack due to his cuteness.

Todoroki chuckled. "Okay, whatever you say." He looked at the entrance of the restaurant. "Wanna grab something to eat? I haven't eaten anything."

Izuku's face lit up a little. He smiled. "Yeah! Sounds good! I haven't eaten anything either."

And together they walked inside, trying to prepare themselves for what was to come on this 'date'.

AYYYEEE 4th chapter completed. Their date is gonna be in the next chapter. I'm not exactly sure what the hell is going to happen but hey, I just come up with things as I go along so I'm too worried. Who knows maybe I'll put fluff! Also you might be wondering why tododeku is happening when this story is bakudeku. YOU WILL SEE. Well, eventually. I have stuff planned out, just wait.

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