Chapter 8

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Midoriya POV

First day of UA. . . I'm slightly nervous. I got into general studies, not the hero course. Honestly I just hope that I'll be able to see Todoroki at least a little bit during the year. Classes take a while to end, so there won't be any time to hang out with him after school. But, there's still weekends, so we can just hang out then. Well. . . if his dad makes him train over the weekends then maybe not.

I sighed. I still have his number, I can always text and call him.

I was walking through the entrance of the school when someone bumped into me.

"Oh. S-sorry-" I looked to see who bumped into me. "I take back what I just said." I said blankly.


Why is he like this? "Yeah, yeah okay. Fine." I looked at him. "I'm so, so sorry. . ." I paused for a second still looking at him so he knew I wasn't done talking. "That you ended up this way." I did a small sarcastic smile and walked away. I heard some little explosions and him yelling nonsense behind me but kept walking.

Someone walked up next to me. I didn't really pay any attention to them since I thought they were just walking to school normally. But. . . they were kinda close to me.

"Y'know. . . I never really took you as some bad ass kid but I think I'm starting to finally see your full potential of telling people off. Why did I not know this side of you? It's kinda awesome."

I looked up at the familiar voice. I gasped, maybe a little too loudly. "TODOROKI!" I got a little too excited. I hugged him.

When I realized what I had done, I quickly pulled away, blushing ferociously.

"Well I wasn't expecting you to be that excited to see me, but I'll except it."

"How can I not be excited?! I haven't seen you in almost a month! O-oh and. . . sorry about the hug. I got a little too excited."

"Oh I didn't mind. It's kinda nice knowing someone actually cares enough to give me any affection at all when they're excited to see me. . . "

"Of course I care Todo. You're my best, and only, friend I have, and will ever have."

He chuckled a little bit at my response. I tried to hide the enormous smile that was soon to bloom from my face. (Sorry that sounded a little weird, I'll stop-)

"I'm sure you'll make new friends this year. You can be appealing, you have the ability to inspire others. You're smart, you seem good with others, you're super nice, and you have an astonishing quirk."

He looked down at me with a small smile planted on his face. "You'll make friends very easily."

I may or may not have almost cried. Todoroki tried helping me out and kept asking if I was okay. I kept on laughing while also having tears in my eyes and saying 'I'm fine.' whilst also still smiling at how much he was caring and worrying.

We eventually made it to a hallway where we had to part ways to get to our classes. I almost considered hugging him again. I was trying to convince myself to do it, while also trying to convince myself not to do it. In the end, he simply said goodbye and started to walk away.

But also, in the end, I went with the more beneficial option.

"Hey! Todo, wait up!" I started to jog towards him.

"Hm? What is-" Before he could say anything else, I ran into him and hugged him.

"Have a good day, yeah?" My face was slightly buried into his uniform. Wow, I never realized how short I am compared to him.

"Heh. . . Yeah. I'll try my best." He slightly hugged back, still a little shocked from me just suddenly running into him the moment he turned around.

I pulled back. I could feel how hot my cheeks were. His were a little red as well. "Good!" I smiled at him brightly. "OH! Crap! I gotta go! Class is gonna start soon! Okay, I'll see you later, Todo!" And with that, I turned around and started to sprint to my class.

I was slightly out of breath when I finally reached my class. I sighed, relieved. "Finally."

"Oh. Dang it. I thought I was gonna be the first one here since it's early. Hm. Guess I guessed wrong." A kid with purple hair said while walking past me and into the classroom.

"Wait. Early?!" I said slightly confused. Isn't class about to start?

I walked in after him and saw that we were the only ones.

"Yeah. Early. Class starts in ten minutes. Usually people would start getting here when there's only five more minutes 'till class starts." He said while going to sit in a seat. He paused. "Wait. Don't tell me. . ." He groaned and threw his head back a little. "You came here early by accident?! Totally not fair. I wanted my alone time even if it was only for a couple of minutes. And you came here early by accident? Not just because you wanted to be smart and get here before everyone? Ugghhhh."

"U-uhm. S-sorry? I thought class was actually about to start. Not that there's still ten minutes. . ."

"Yeah, well you thought wrong."

I wasn't sure what to say. "So umm. . . what's you're name?"

He looked at me skeptically. "Shinso. Hitoshi Shinso."

Ayyyeee!!! 8th chapter donneee. Also. . . I'M SO FRICKEN SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG TO COME OUT! I'VE NEVER WAITED SO LONG TO WRITE A CHAPTER! I feel so baadddd! It's cause I finally got on a somewhat-normal sleep schedule so I go to bed at like 11:00 now and wake up/get up at 10 in the morning. AND IT ABSOLUTELY SUCKS! Anywayysss. . . hope you guys like this chapter! I was actually looking forward to adding my precious Shinboi into this and it's been on my mind ever since and before I started to write this. And honestly, I have no idea what I'm realy gonna do next, I only have a semi-plan planned out. OKAY I'LL STOP TALKING NOW! HAVE A GOOD DAY/NIGHT!


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