March 2, 2018

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The Lord will deeply question us (and it often hurts), not so that He'll know, for He knows all, but that we'll examine ourselves to see what is in our heart.

"Lovest thou Me?"

Forgive as you've been forgiven. She who has been forgiven much should be able to forgive much, extending SINCERE mercy and grace. Don't slander. Don't let offense and bitterness grow. Don't be that person who will reopen their own wounds (whether from yesterday or years ago) to bring it up... Forgive! And, forgive freely.

Psalm 105

If you know God, you'll share Him. It's impossible to stay silent when you've been forgiven and delivered. Praise Him, O my soul! Seek Him, seek His face continually and cleave to Him. Bring to mind often His works and record! What a God He is! Not one of His Words have failed. His covenant is everlasting. Never failing! He is faithful! Reliable!

Like a Father, He tenderly cares for His own.

The Lord fulfilled Joseph's dream in His timing. Don't let go, don't doubt God even if it's delayed.

The deliverance of Israel is a picture of redemption in Christ. Plagues, etc, listen to His voice. He doesn't forget or go back on His promises. Be joyful and glad in His redemption. It's vitally important to be obedient. This is the requirement. So little compared to what He has done.

Genesis 2

God made everything perfect and to completion. Consecrate, treat as sacred the Sabbath. God made the soul which is why He is the only One who can destroy it (Matthew 10:28). We are to be stewards of this earth.

All Adam had to do was obey. God was delighted, Father-like to let His son, Adam, name the animals. He was also concerned for his happiness, providing a good, acceptable, suitable, help meet wife. Since God designed marriage to be lasting, be much in prayer, leaving the choice of spouse to God.

Galatians 1

It's not man, but God who calls and ordains workers.

God not only delivered us from destruction and judgment but from bondage of sin. We may still stumble, but we're no longer under the dominion of sin. All glory and praise to Him!

Pray against fickleness and wavering. Pray against deception and delusion.

Perversion of the Bible also goes for false versions of the Bible and confusion.

Stay grounded in Christ. Don't follow man. Be sure God's Word is your final authority! He is infallible.

There is no salvation outside of Jesus Christ!

Don't seek man's approval, but Christ's. Don't alter or dilute the gospel to please men.

It's God who saves. All in His timing.

Follow Christ, don't let anyone or anything stop you.

This is the power of God! "Once I was... now I am, because of God."

Let others rejoice in God's mercy and the salvation of souls.

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