March 16, 2018

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We must escape from the noise and busyness to get alone with God. Truly this should be a place of relief, rest and refuge. We must get alone in order to hear the voice of Christ. Silence and shut out the world. Hear the voice of the Savior.

The enemy will use busyness to stop our time of communion with the Lord. It's not always "idle hands" but busy hands as well.

Jesus calls to us, "Come unto Me" (Matthew 11:28). Follow His example, often leaving for time alone with Christ. Such time is never better spent. (Luke 5:16; Mark 6:31). Go, be with Him. Rest. Commune. Recharge.

We must all give account to God. Keeping the fear of the Lord in us always would do well to keep us walking holy, seeking perfection before Him. Repent immediately for sin before hardness of heart ensues. He is merciful to forgive (Psalm 78:38-39).

When, at last, we stand before the judgment seat, let us rejoice in the greatness of His love and mercy. Forgiven! Pardoned! O how sweet the sound! Thank You! May He receive utmost glory for all He has done for a wretch like me.

Psalm 120

What relief to know we can know for certainty that God, the Lord of all the earth, hears us. Go to Him in every situation! Keep my mouth from speaking evil and lies. Deliver me from false accusers who war against my soul. I'm tired of living with the sinful workers of iniquity. I rejoice that, I, in Your eyes, am not an outcast.

Follow peace. Do good to all. Especially those of the household of faith.

Genesis 19

He who began in the outskirts of wicked Sodom is now in the city gates. Call out sin. Call out repentance.

Urgent separation! Come out! Scoffers are rampant, even a message of mercy for their gain is regarded as foolishness. Hurry! Don't delay repentance. Escape for your life. Don't look back. Never go back. Run. Escape. See the peril of drunkenness. It produced nations against God.

Philippians 3

Rejoice in the Lord. We are not to be gloomy. We have so much to rejoice over!  Beware of those that discourage you in the faith. Beware of those who add/take away from the simplicity of the Gospel of Christ. Hold fast.

True worship and change is in the heart by the Spirit through faith in Jesus. Set your mind love and thoughts on things above- nothing is worth exchanging your soul for! Jesus Christ, our Prize!

Be sure to have His righteousness clothing you through faith in His blood. Be willing to count even your life as disposable knowing we have a glorious hope. While on earth we are continually growing in Christ. Forget backsliding. Strive forward. Continue on. Never stop running, even when the Prize is in sight. Rest- complete, sit-down rest is only in eternity. Be sensitive to the Lord's convicting. Find and seek out godly role models.

The end of the ungodly is destruction for they are not given to holiness but fulfilling fleshly desires.

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