March 28, 2018

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The call of God is quiet persistence. When we delay to consult man or to weigh options, doubt has time to surface and it is not of God. Faith doesn't always make sense, but it's vital. Obey His call. Straightway!

Psalm 135

Praise the Lord! He is good! Sing praises to the Lamb! For no merit of our own, we rejoice that God owns us for His people! He is great! He is the only God! What He does is good! He makes and brings storms. Sovereign is He!

No matter how hard they've tried the Bible can't be destroyed. He is eternal! The Lord judges righteously. Be sure He is first! Bless the Lord continuously.

Genesis 32

Turn to God in your distress and remember His promises! Humble yourself before the Lord. Pray honestly. God sees your heart and thoughts.

Jeremiah 12

Righteous, holy and pure is the Lord. Whatever our circumstances may be, He does all things well. Know He sees the real you. Nothing is hidden to Him.

See the love of the Lord to His own: "My house, heritage... dearly beloved of my soul." It is His will the Gentiles, also, find salvation.

2 Thessalonians 2

Don't give in to fear. Don't be troubles. Believe and have faith in God. Guard against deception. Pray for discernment.

Evil won't win for God Himself will deal with the devil!

Those prone to deception will be those that don't love or receive the Truth. They'll believe a lie. They believed not the Truth and loved sin.

We are chosen by God and believe the Truth. Know Who you serve! Stand fast. Don't waver. Take comfort and courage. The Lord is at hand.

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