Unleash Your Patronus Part 2

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"What just happened?"

"Dani, that was a dementor."

"Aren't they supposed to be at Azkaban? Why are they at Hogwarts?"

"R sent someone here to unleash it."

"And that rabbit..."

"It's my patronus."

"I think I heard Alex mention it... But what IS it?"

"It's a spell used to fend off dementors."

"Cool, I want to learn it."

"Me too," said Merula, sitting down at their table in the great hall.

Tonks shrugged. "Well, I suppose we all need to protect ourselves... Guess what, I'll teach BOTH of you because I'm so nice. Mind you, it's extremely difficult..."

"I'm ready," said Merula.

"Yep, bring it," said Dani.

"Ah, Miss Jackson, Miss Snyde, Miss Tonks! What brings you here today?" Bilton asked cheerily.

"We need some belch powder. We'll be pranking Madam Rosemerta."

Tonks paid for the belch powder and they left Zonko's and made their way to the Three Broomsticks. "Why're we pulling a prank all of a sudden?" Merula inquired.

"Just need to get you two in the mood," said Tonks, pushing open the door of the bustling bar. "Now, Merula, come with me, we need to distract Madam Rosemerta. Dani-" Tonks shoved Dani the belch powder, "-see that barrel of butterbeer over there? On my signal, dump it all in."

Dani waited as the other two went in and began talking to Rosemerta. Tonks gave Dani and OK sign and Dani crept in steathily, pried open the barrel and poured in the belch powder before slipping oit again.

Once Rosemerta was done talking to Merula and Tonks, she went ahead and opened the new barrel of butterbeer, passing out cups of it to students, who ended up burping at every other word. Very amused, Dani and Merula stood there, watching, while Tonks was reading a note.

"No need to be so serious, Tonks, join the fun," grinned Dani, waving her hand.

Tonks looked up. "Well... I think YOU'D better see this..."

As requested, I've brought the dementor to Hogwarts. It has already made contact. Despite an encounter with Hogwarts staff, I ensured it eluded capture. I will continue to keep an eye on the situation. So far

In case you're wondering the note isn't complete

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