Chapter 2

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As the Gryffindor and Slytherin fourth-years put their flasks of the calming draught on Snape's desk to be graded, and packed their bags as they prepared to go to the great hall for dinner, Dani approached the Potions master. "Professor Snape? I want to ask you about Madam Rakepick."

"What'd you like to know, Miss Jackson?" he snarled in reply.

"I heard you went to Hogwarts with her. Did you know her well?"

"She was several years above me, plus she was in Gryffindor while I was in Slytherin, so I only knew her as the very demanding prefect turned head girl who seemed to have a grudge against me-everyone for that matter, including the parents of the great Harry Potter and their friends, who were all Gryffindors in my year."

"What can you tell me about her, then?"

"I personally don't think that she can be trusted, but I think it'd be wise not to question Professor Dumbledore's judgement."

"I'll bear that in mind, professor."

Making a quick exit, Dani went upstairs, leaving the chilly dungeons to the much noisier lower floor, meeting up with the vault squad in the great hall.

"What were you talking to Snape about?" asked Rowan.

"Rakepick," said Dani.

"You're nervous about your meeting with her later, are you?" Penny predicted.

"For one thing," said Dani. "For another, I have a REALLY bad feeling about her. You know, because Rakepick starts with R..."

Bill put down his fork. "Whoa, slow down their, you don't SERIOUSLY think that Rakepick is R..."

"What did Snape tell you, then?" asked Tonks.

"He said that he didn't know her well, bit didn't trust, yet we shouldn't question Dumbledore's decision."
"It's the vaults we're dealing with, Miss Jackson. We don't have much time to spare. In your next Care of Magical Creatures class-which is tomorrow, if my memory serves me-ask Kettleburn about getting into the forbidden forest."

"But there's a loose chimaera!"

"The forest is so big, you probably won't run into it, but if you do, I trust you're ready for it. We need to break the curse."

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