Chapter 13

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"Alright, here goes nothing..."

Having the rest of the vault squad guard their route, making sure it was Snape (or any other professor)-free, Charlie, Dani and Ismelda set off for trial three of searching the red cap hole.

Dani ducked inside and released Sickleworth from her arms, just in time to face the red cap that'd just emerged.


Ismelda didn't waste a second in whipping out the beautification potion Dani'd passed to her along the way when Ben claimed he'd saw someone walk by (Dani had no idea if he actually did or was just being his usual paranoid self but did it just in case), uncorked it and splashed it at the red cap. Once the coloured liquid had been mostly cleared from it's face, it practically looked like a human woman-it had huge, watery eyes and small lips. It looked at itself in a small mirror leaning against one of the dirt walls, which Dani assumed it'd smuggled.


The red cap raced out of the hole just as Sickleworth showed up again. "CHIK CHIK CHIK!"

In front of his feet was a shimmering ruby.

The arrowhead.

Dani took the rest of the arrow out of her pocket and put it next to the ruby. "REPARO!"

In a flash, the arrow was whole again.

"Let's go get Torvus!"

They rushed out, Dani hastily stuffing the arrow into her pocket and Charlie being sure to grab Sickleworth, and once they were out in the cold January-night air Dani raised her wand. "VERMILLIOUS!"

Red sparks blasted from it, and Torvus came galloping over. "Miss Jackson. I trust you have my arrowhead?"

"Of course." Dani handed it over.

"Thank you. You've proved more trustworthy than your brother," Torvus commented. "Now onto the vaults... I believe Mr. Jackson told me about it being in the acromantula's lair."
"Wait, aren't acromantulas the-" said Penny, putting down her fork on her plate at the next vault squad meeting-Dani, thinking Ismelda and Merula could be of use, invited them too.

"HUGE GINORMOUS POISONOUS SPIDERS! AAAAAHHHHH!" yelled Ben loud enough for half of the Gryffindor table to turn their head at what seemed like a first grader screaming at a cockroach.

"Well, quit acting like a BABY, Copper," Ismelda shook her head.

"Plus, Ben, acromantulas aren't poisonous, they're venomous," said Rowan.

"I don't see the diff-" Tonks began before Tulip punched her in the arm, presumably saving her squad from another lecture from Rowan.

"If it's poisonous, you die if you touch or eat them. If it's venomous, you die if it stings or bites you," Merula told them.

"Alright, so we know it's dangerous..." started Dani.

"So we need to prepare," Bill clapped his hands. "In fact, Rakepick can help us with this year's-"

Dani buried her face in her hands. "Oh BOY..."

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