Unleash Your Patronus Part 3

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Back at Hogwarts...

"There's another thing we'll need to cast a patronus-a happy memory. And not just any happy memory-the happiest memory ever in your entire life."

Dani thought about the happiest moments of her life. Flying on Alex's broom, getting her Hogwarts letter...

Dani's mind flashed to her second year at Hogwarts, when she got into the first vault. The rush when she touched the shimmering column, hearing her brother's voice...

"I've got it," said Merula, opening her eyes.

"Funny you have any happy memories," teased Dani.

"Tell us about it," Tonks egged her on.

"Nah, I'm keeping it private," shrugged Merula.

There was a silence, then Dani said, "Just a gut feeling, Merula, is your memory about snow?"

"How did you-"

"Let's drop it for now and practise in the courtyard," Tonks changed the subject.

Dani waved her wand. Nothing.

"What are you up to?" Professor McGonagall, who was walking by. "Miss Jackson, Professor Dumbledore should've told you that the professors'll handle the dementor situation."

"Yet I can't sit around helplessly while my friends are getting hurt. I want to help."

"Spoken like a true Gryffindor. Now... You're thinking of a happy memory, aren't you?"

"We are."

"When you cast your patronus, not only do you need to just KNOW about your happy memory, you need to think about it, and focus on it in your mind."

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