Let the Festivities Begin Part 1

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Straight after Dumbledore's announcement concerning the details of the celestial ball, the vault squad met up in the artefact room-apparently, Dani AND Penny had a formulated a plan-not for the vaults, but for the ball. For now, Penny was the only one whom Dani'd told about what she'd heard from Rakepick after Sickleworth destroyed (eh, not really, though Dani wished he did) Filch's office when Penny approached her shortly after, but it was now time to tell everyone their plan.

"Look, guys...Sickleworth will be with Gringotts over Christmas."

There were gasps among the members. "But how'll we find the arrowhead NOW?" asked Tulip in great shock and dismay. "There'll nearly only be Hogwarts and Beauxbatons fourth-years at school this Christmas-we'll be less likely to be detected!"

"We can worry about it later," Penny clapped and raised her voice above the uproar. "Right now, I was thinking you guys could help me campaign for heading the decoration committee, and help with the preparations should I get elected."

"That's awesome!" exclaimed Aurelie. "I've already got a few ideas up my sleeve!"

"And we've got even better news for you, Aurelie," said Penny. "Dani agreed to make you an honorary member of the vault squad!"

"YAY!" Aurelie yelled in delight, throwing up her arms.

"Back on topic... Everybody in?"

The rest of the squad nodded.

"Perfect. Now..."
"That was easy, wasn't it?"

As she continued on the sketch with the others in the Charms classroom, Dani reminisced about how the squad had helped Penny win the campaign-sending at least one 'vote Penny Haywood' flyer to each student at breakfast, as well as making them turn up in their pockets and bags once distributing them got old. They even plastered some all over the castle-yes, including in classrooms, which didn't fly so well with most of the professors.

"Ta da! We're done!" Penny flashed the sketch at the rest of the squad.

"Stunning," remarked Rowan. "Though I guess it doesn't matter that much. I'm not going anyways, and neither is Ben."

"Wait... What?!"

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