Chapter 9

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Dani glanced at Rakepick, then turned her gaze to the smashed cupboard door in the artefact room, in front of which Sickleworth was doing his happy dance again, after he'd found a sparkly pearl necklace in the cupboard, which he'd dropped on the floor.

"Not what we were looking for," said Dani. "Any other plausible options?"

"I'm thinking about Filch's office."

"But I'm out of fanged frisbees!"

"Well, I suppose I can keep him occupied for long enough for you and Sickleworth to search the office..."

It was too late. Sickleworth had tugged out the burnt string of a filibuster firework (Filch must've put it out and confisticated it just before it went off), which was sitting in a cardboard tray atop his shelves with other fireworks, with his little flat beak. The firework whizzed about the office, making loud BANGs at every turn.

Sickleworth dove into one of the messy drawers that the firework'd just obliberated, and came back out with a golden key.

"C'mon, we don't want to get caught!" Dani urged him, grabbing the key from the table.

"Chik chik chik," said Sickleworth, climbing rather obediently (for him, at least) onto Dani's hand before she ran out and hid behind a column just before Filch and Mrs. Norris came in.

"Ugh, they got away!" Filch shouted angrily, and there was a loud noise from the office-Dani suspected he'd threw something.

"Mrowr," Mrs. Norris yowled in agreement.

As Filch moaned about cleaning up the mess, Dani slipped over to Rakepick, who was on the other end of the corridor. "Nothing but this... And a filibuster firework, of course."

Rakepick took the key. "Sweet... Filch confisticated it from me while I was still a student. I'll be needing it. And... You don't mind if Gringotts has Sickleworth over Christmas, don't you? They'll give him back when school starts again, of course-and I suppose you have more important matters to worry about... Like the celestial ball, and your date?"

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