Care of Magical Creatures grove...
"Hey. Just making sure you guys haven't been trampled by the abraxans yet."
"Of course we haven't," replied Aurelie, patting one of the large horses.
"I'm just kidding," laughed Dani. "There's nothing to worry about, Barnaby's around."
"By the way," said Barnaby, "I told her about your duelling skills, and she says she wants to challenge you."
"Oh, really?" asked Dani.
"Yeah, I want to see how I match up with Hogwarts students."
"Last chance to bow out..."
"Let's do it."
"As you wish. DEPULSO!"
"I TOLD YOU!" Barnaby shouted jokingly as Aurelie climbed back up.
Dani smiled. "Oh yeah, Penny asked a favour of me..."
"What is it?"
"Well... She said you seemed a bit disappointed about our Potions classes. You love Potions, don't you?"
"It's complicated, Dani."
"You can trust me."
"...I hope so. Is there anywhere we can talk privately?"
Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Year 4
AdventureDani has plenty to look forward to for her fourth year at Hogwarts-meeting exchange students, the Christmas ball, but most importantly, more time with her friends (her Slytherin c-r-u-s-h in particular). Though, there's no way she expected giant acr...