Become a Prefect Part 2

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Dani slipped out to the courtyard for some fresh air after class. The advice from her friends swirled around her mind. Was it really worth it?

"Hey... Stop! STOP!"

Dani spotted two Gryffindor first-years, a boy and a girl, on the side. She went over for a closer look.

The boy's feet were dancing uncontrollably, clearly under the influence of the tarantellegra. The girl was laughing her head off. "Take that, MUDBLOOD!"


The boy stopped dancing, and collapsed to the ground in exhaustion as Dani glared at the girl. "That's really mean, you know."

"But he's a-"

"Muggle-borns have as much of a right to study and have fun here at Hogwarts as pure-bloods."

The girl frowned. "You aren't turning me in, are you? You're from Gryffindor too, you-"

"As much as I hate to, I AM turning you in. Only because it's the right thing to do."
"And STILL McGonagall had to dock ten points from us."

Bill sighed. "That's prefect life for you. Just get used to it. We can pull through, just like we've done over the past few years."

"Is there a better way I could've done this?" asked Dani.

"Dani, you have to do the right thing, and you know it. That's why you're doing all this stuff you shouldn't do-to find your brother. If you think it's wrong, it's wrong."

"But I took points from my own house!"

"Remember Merula, Dani. What she did to all of us."

"That boy should't have to go through this. It's just awful."

"So you're ready to head back in and prove yourself?"

"I'm ready," said Dani.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Year 4Where stories live. Discover now