Chapter 12

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"As you probably know, Miss Jackson, I went to Hogwarts with Madam Rakepick. Knowing her, I feel highly suspicious of what she's doing here at Hogwarts.

"For me to give you back your beautification potion, I'd like you to spy on Rakepick for me."

Dani contemplated his offer. Even after reading the threat R sent her, Dani still wasn't entirely convinced that Rakepick was here for the right reasons. Plus, she wouldn't have to nag Penny into brewing yet another beautification potion.

"Of course I can, professor."

"Very well. Listen carefully..."
Dani sat at the end of the Gryffindor table at dinner, pretending to eat her pasta, but actually listening in to a conversation between Filch and Rakepick. Rakepick was showing the grumpy caretaker the key Sickleworth'd found in his office before Christmas.

Dani's ears perked up as Filch began to talk about where he got the key. "Many years ago, I found a package on the table of my office. Inside where this key, as well as three black quills."

Having heard enough, Dani slipped back down the table, where Ben was, to avoid suspicion, pondering the relationship between the key and the vaults.
The following Saturday, the Three Broomsticks was full of happy Hogwarts students as usual, so nobody noticed Dani, pretending to talk to Hagrid about bowtruckles, but actually carrying out her mission.

"I've heard Alexander Jackson has left one of his notebooks in your possession," Rakepick was telling Madam Rosemerta. "Did he leave anything else? A map, for example?"

"A map of what?"

"A map of Hogwarts and its grounds."

"I'm certain I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about."

"Really. Care I search your storeroom?"

"Care you get out of here, unless you're ordering a butterbeer? Otherwise, I have paying customers to attend to."

"...Maybe another day." Rakepick turned on her heel and marched out of the pub.
Just before her next Potions class, Dani was in the hospital wing, helping Madam Pomfrey to take care of the sleepwalking students. She normally rarely cared to help out the staff, except on special occasions, and this was one of them.

"This student has been asleep for a longer time than the others," said Rakepick, pointing at the student on the bed next to the one Dani was tending to.

"Yes, for five weeks amd three days. I think the curse has to be broken soon. Otherwise, I fear they might never wake up."

Dani decided that she was now ready to report back to Snape. She went up to Madam Pomfrey. "I'll need to go now. I don't want Snape to dock points from me for being late."

"Sure Miss Jackson. You've been such a great help."

"Actually, can I speak to you, Miss Jackson? I won't keep you for so long," said Rakepick.

"Sure," replied Dani.

Rakepick took Dani to a corner. "I hope you've learned everything Severus wants to know."

"Uh... What?!"

"Nice try, Miss Jackson. Give him my regards. Off you go."
Snape sighed. "I really can't say I blame you, Miss Jackson... Very well. Here's your beautification potion back. And also take this." He handed Dani a small glass bottle.

"What's this?"

"Garrotting gas. Anyone who breathes it'll choke. Now get out of my sight."

"Roger that," said Dani, putting the bottle of garrotting gas into her pocket and ducking out of the cold classroom.

Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery Year 4Where stories live. Discover now