Chapter 11

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"Here's some lady's mantle, and Hagrid told me that he's been growing ginger root in his garden." Sprout handed the ingredients to Dani after Herbology. "You won't do something silly, will you?"

"If I wanted to do something silly I'd head to Zonko's," replied Dani. "Gotta dash, thanks for the tip!"

Dani left the greenhouses and ran down the corridor and out onto the grounds, where Hagrid was playing fetch with Fang. He stopped when he saw Dani. "Ah, Dani! Stoppin' by fer some rock cakes?"

"No time, I'll need to get to Penny soon. Sprout says you have ginger root."

Hagrid went back inside his hut and later came out with some ginger root ("Freshly picked," he claims). After that, Dani returned to the castle and slipped into the artefact room, where Penny was with her cauldron and most of the other ingredients. The plan was to splash a beautification potion on the red cap to drive it from its lair.

"Let's get brewing," grinned Penny as she began crushing fairy wings.
That night, Snape was idly patrolling the grounds when he spotted three figures quickly approaching, walking in the direction of the forbidden forest.


The figures stopped, then turned around and bolted back towards the castle. Snape recognized the backside of one of them.


Dani turned around just as Snape caught up to her.

"Who are the others?"

"Punish me and leave them alone!" Dani thought quickly.

"Were you going to the forest?"

Afraid of lying to Snape, Dani decided that it was best not to answer.

"Your silence has told me what I need to hear. I would've taken away house points if you'd lied. However, you and your little comrades ought not to be out at this hour. For the vaults?"

Dani nodded. No harm letting him know, she thought.

"What's that you're holding?"

Not seeing harm either, Dani held out the bottle. "It's a beautification potion, professor. Penny made it."

"How VERY intriguing," Snape took the bottle and put it into a deep pocket of his robes. "I'll be confisticating this."

"When can I have it back? I don't want to make it all over again."

"Well, seeing as I caught you, looks like you'll have to-unless you do me a favour."

"What favour."

"Talk to me after class tomorrow. For now, return to your common room before I take twenty points from Gryffindor."

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