Hosting the Beauxbatons Part 3

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"You want to learn alchemy here at Hogwarts?"

Dani was in awe at Aurelie's revelation. "Really? That's crazy advanced!"

"Why would you?" asked Barnaby as he scrubbed one of the abraxan's right wing. (It clearly didn't like it, but oh well.)

"I want to get noticed," said Aurelie, petting another abraxan on the mane. "My older brother, Davet-he was a talented student, and the professors always compare me to him.

"I've heard rumours of one of Nicolas Flamel's alchemy artefacts hidden here at Hogwarts. If I find it, then the professors-"

"Will pay more attention to you," Dani finished her sentence. "Really, I can't imagine being in your shoes. Thanks to MY big brother, MY professors have been keeping an eye on me since day one-alright. Mind if I tell Penny about this? I think she can help."
"Rowan told me that Flitwick'd picked up the library's most comprehensive book on Flamel," said Penny as she slipped into the Charms classroom with Aurelie, Barnaby and Dani.

"It has to be in this pile," added Dani, motioning at the stack of books Flitwick always stood on in class.

"I see it already," said Aurelie, picking up a thick book on the floor. Dani didn't get a good look at the title, but she could see the name 'Nicolas Flamel' on the cover in large gold words. As Aurelie picked it up, a photo fell out and fluttered to the ground.

"Is that Flamel's workshop?" asked Aurelie.

"And who's that handsome guy next to him?" pondered Barnaby.

"Keep this, Aurelie, you might need it later," said Dani. "Gotta go, Tulip wants to meet me."
"You know how Andre and Charlie are betting their brooms on the next quidditch matches? Well, since Ravenclaw-"

"Firstly, GRYFFINDOR will get more points. Secondly, if I know you, you have a plan."

"Of course I do-involving a rather complicated charm that you new Beauxbatons friend may or may not know-it's a safer bet but we'll survive without it-and some deja vu with a prank you and Tonks played last year..."

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