Let the Festivities Begin Part 3

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"Seriously? Just ask him."

"I can't."

"Why not?"

Ben (whom Rowan'd dragged into this entire 'help Dani ask Barnaby to the school dance' thing), Dani and Rowan were in the courtyard, discussing how to make it happen, when Ismelda walked by. "Ooh, puny ol' Jackson doesn't even have a DATE for the ball! How very-"


"Lesson learned, Murk: don't cross Dani," said Rowan as if it was the first thing babies learned. (Although, of course, she talks about classes the exact same way.)

"Not over," Ismelda grumbled, pulling herself up and returning to the castle.
"Still don't have a date?"

"Shut it," Dani snarled at Merula. They were in Potions, and Merula just brought up what'd happened in the courtyard (Ismelda'd apparently told her, which wasn't a surprise to Dani).


"YOU have a date, you beast who nobody likes, or even cares about?" (secretly chanting 'please don't say Barnaby' in her heart')

"I'm not a beast, I'm the best witch at Hogwarts," said Merula. "And really, I don't really care about the ball anyway."


"Miss Jackson, detention for distracting Miss Snyde from her potion," Snape tutted behind them.


"Don't make me take house points from Gryffindor." He swept away.
"So what were you discussing with Miss Snyde, Miss Jackson?" Snape asked as Dani prepared to leave.

"Dates," Dani replied honestly. "For the ball."

"You still don't have one? I'm shocked, seeing your popularity."

"Well, there's someone I really, REALLY want to ask... But I'm worried that I'll screw it up, or someone'll beat me to him, or-"

"The celestial ball is the perfect oppertunity to ask him out, Miss Jackson. Don't miss it. Just go with your heart."

Dani was stunned-did Snape just giver her a piece of DATING ADVICE?! She quickly uttered a hurried 'thanks' and rushed out of the dungeons.
The vault squad met up again in the artefact room. As it turned out, the 'project Ravenclaw' Flitwick mentioned the other day was of Ravenclaws making custom celestial ball outfits for some of the fourth-years to make money. Dani was one of the people who asked for an outfit, and at the meeting, while most of the others were discussing what to do with Sickleworth when they finally got him back (some were admiring the outfits they just got, of course), Andre and Tulip presented Dani's outfit with a flourish (photo at the top, credit saintlester on Tumblr).

"Lucky for you, your crush asked for an outfit as well... So we made matching ones!" sang Andre.

"Who told you-"

"Rowan tipped us off when she placed her order," laughed Tulip. "You haven't asked him out yet, have you?"

"No, but soon," smiled Dani. "Don't mention it, but Snape was the one who gave me that last push. I'm still incredibly nervous though."

"Maybe Hagrid has some ideas, if you want it to be perfect," suggested Tulip.
"O' course, yeh can have a bowtruckle thingy-but dun worry abou' tha'. Yer charming enough, Dani. An'-"

"DANI!" Penny threw open the door to Hagrid's hut, where he was enjoying some rock cakes with Dani (who was secretly thinking that Penny was her lifesaver, duh). "WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!"

Dani stood up. "Guess I'll leave the rock cakes till next time," she waved Hagrid off and followed Penny. "Wha-"


"Uh... That isn't-"

"REALLY, Dani?! Have you ever heard of a ball without flowers?! Tonks and I getting some from the greenhouses, but we need an extra pair of hands-DESPERATELY."

"Alright, alright, I'll help," said Dani, following Penny back inside.

While picking out flowers in the greenhouse, Tonks asked, leaning in, "We know you don't have a date yet, but would you rather ask out Barnaby or Ben?"

"Really? Honestly, it isn't even a matter of 'would you rather'..."
That night, Barnaby went out to the courtyard, where Dani'd agreed they'd meet. Dani told him she had something really inportant to ask him, and he strongly suspected that it was about the ball, as school was over and the ball was all the Beauxbatons and Hogwarts fourth-years talked about-at all. "So... I'm here. What is it?"

"Um..." Dani's cheeks immediately went visibly red, even in the darkness of the late evening.


Dani decided that she had no time to think for the right words to say, and to just cut to the chase. Snape's words echoed in her ear, as if he was standing right next to her: just go with your heart.

"Barnaby... Will you go the ball with me? PRETTY PLEASE?"

Barnaby seemed a bit taken aback by the request. "Um... I reckon, since (counting his fingers) Ismelda and Merula have already dumped me, Rowan's too smart, Penny's too popular, and Tonks and Tulip'll probably find this a good time to do something to Filch... Yeah. Sure."

Dani's eyes widened in disbelief. "REALLY?!"

"Of course I'll be your date, Dani."

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