Unleash Your Patronus Part 4

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"Bill said you sent for me."

Once again, Dani was in the headmaster's office with Dumbledore.

"I did. Miss Jackson, I want you to know that all of us professors here at Hogwarts are concerned for you and your safety. Professor McGonagall reported to me earlier you were practising the patronus charm with Miss Snyde and Miss Tonks. I know you feel obliged to protect your friends, but all the same-"

"Don't do something silly?"

"Of course, Miss Jackson."

"Really... No promises, professor. I'm willing to do anything to find Alex."

"Yet I don't suppose he'll be very happy if his little sister went around doing dangerous-"

Just then, Merula and Tonks ran in. "Professor, we need Dani! Now!" Tonks panicked.

Dumbledore smiled and waved Dani out. "We'll continue next time, then."

Tonks grabbed Dani's hand and dragged her out of the room, down the stairs and through the corridor. "Dani-the dementor's been spotted again!"

"We're going to the training grounds!" Merula added urgently.

As the sun sank lower and first-years ran back into the castle shouting "MONSTER!" the girls went outside.

Dani speedily pointed her wand at the dementor, trying to think about her cracking the first vault. "EXPECTO PATRONUM!"

Nothing but a thin wisp of silvery smoke that vanished in an instant.

Dani couldn't quite pull the memory out from her brain. As cold washed over her, something unexpected happened.


Two voices shouted out in unison behind her, and a jack rabbit and an anaconda flew at the dementor, hurling it backwards.

Dani took a few moments to catch her breath before spinning around. "Merula? That..."

"It WAS me," said Merula, clearly still in shock at the fact that she'd just helped drive away a dementor, mastered an extremely strong spell that even Dani couldn't manage.

As they went back inside, Merula caught up with Dani. "Look... I have a confession.

"I've been told that only the pure of heart can produce a patronus, and my parents are death eaters..."

"You've proved yourself to be different. And that's really big in itself."

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