Hosting the Beauxbatons Part 4

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Dani unlocked the door to the decoy room, and Aurelie raised an eyebrow. "Is there that much ice in all of the vaults?"

"Nah, the second one is filled with swamp water. I'm not heading back into that-or this first one, as a matter of fact. So Penny told me you guys convinced Snape to teach you alchemy. Did that work out?"

"Very nicely," was the reply. "Do you know where we can find an ancient chalice?" She showed Dani the photo, pointing at a golden goblet on Flamel's workbench.

"What's so special about it?"

"Have you heard about the philosopher's stone?"

"No, what is it?"

"It's a stone that can turn any metal into gold."

"Cool. But what does it have to do with the chalice?"

"The stone also produces the elixir of life, which can make one immortal."

"And what does THAT have to do with Flamel?"

"He's the one who made the only stone still in existence-and he and his wife are CENTURIES old. The chalice is important because he prefers to the the elixir from it."

"I got it. Let's try the artefact room," suggested Dani.
"Nothing but a few ancient skulls," said Aurelie in frustration. "How do we-"

"Aurelie, Dani!" Andre poked his head in. "Dumbledore wants to see you-BOTH-in his office tomorrow after dinner!"

"AGAIN?!" exclaimed Dani. "For the billionth time this year?!"
"First of all, Miss Jackson, I'd like to thank you for being a good friend to Miss Dumont. Now... Professor Snape told me that the two of you were looking for Nicolas Flamel's chalice, and Miss Haywood told me about your brother, Miss Dumont. First of all, I want to clarify that no alchemy artefacts are hidden at Hogwarts as of now.

"However, Miss Dumont, I'd like to remind you that you don't need to push yourself to meet the expectations your professors have of you. Your brother doesn't define you. You always have a choice to do what you love.

"The same goes for you, Miss Jackson. As I've told you many times before, you're free to hunt for the vaults, but you shouldn't let your past with your brother limit or control your actions in any way."

Aurelie nodded. "Thank you, professor, that really helps."

"It does," agreed Dani.

"Then I hope you enjoy the rest of your stay here at Hogwarts, Miss Dumont," finished Professor Dumbledore. "Off you trot."

As the girls went down the winding staircase, Aurelie told Dani, "Actually... This first week here has made me realize that I'm actually quite interested in cursebreaking, and the adventures that come with it."

"Then you're in luck," said Dani. "Do you know what fanged frisbees are?"

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