Become a Prefect Part 4

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"We'll REALLY need to pick it up if we want to crack the vault before summer," said Bill during a meeting in the artefact room. "We've had tons of training sessions, but as you all know, acromantulas are dangerous, and we need to be prepared. Speaking of which, we'll definitely need to study them more closely. Rowan, we're heading to the library straight after this to find more info."

"Sure," Rowan giggled.

"And as for those of you in the fourth-year Gryffindor-Slytherin Care of Magical Creatures class... You guys are apparently the best at this kind of stuff in the squad, so ask Kettleburn at your next class about acromantulas."

"Sure thing," said Barnaby.

"So that's all for today, let's go," Dani ended the meeting.

Everyone left the room in happy chatter. Just as Dani was closing the door behind her, she saw a Gryffindor first-year boy walking up to her. "Whoa. I didn't know people met up here."

"We mostly do it in the great hall or the Three Broomsticks in Hogesmeade," replied Dani.

"Guess I'll need to find a new hideout then," said the first-year.

"Actually, it's getting late, let's head up to the common room together," thought Dani.

"Sure," he agreed.

"So the artefact room is your hideout? Why would you need one?" asked Dani as they started down the corridor.

"I just want to escape this place. It's reallt scary-I mean, it's so different from what I'm used to, you know, in thr muggle world. My classmates say that I should be used to it by now, but... I'm not."

"You remind me of Ben Copper when we were in our first year. Now still, actually."

"Ben Copper? But I'll never be as brave as he is! I'll never be able to crack vaults like you guys do!" the first-year argued as he went up the stairs behind Dani.

"Sometimes, when you're scared of something, the best way to overcome it is to face it head on, and that's what Ben did," resonated Dani. "You're in Gryffindor for a reason, you know."

"But... What if the sorting hat was wrong?"

"The sorting hat is NEVER wrong (Go on. Challenge me.)," replied Dani as they slipped into the portrait hole.
"I now see you're not completely hopeless when it comes to discipline," said McGonagall. The program had just ended and Dani decided to ask her head of house how she did. "Why do you want to become a prefect?"

"I just wanted to try it out, since many people are doing it. Besides, I want to test how long I'm capable of hoding my own for, and I've realized I can do that for a lot longer than my expectations."

"I can see that," McGonagall nodded. "I suppose it's your background with hanging out with students of many different personalities, but you seem to have a way with the first-years. In fact, after some thought, I'm replenishing the ten points I took from Gryffindor after the incident you told me about, and I'm giving you ten more for what you did with the first-year you walked to the common room the other night."

"Thank you, professor. So does that mean I'm a prefect now?"

"This year's Gryffindors did rather well in the program, and I'll need to discuss with Dumbledore about this first, but if you're chosen, you'll be notified throughout the summer."

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