2: The New Kid

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Damien rushed upstairs to stuff his bag with his books and grab his keys. He climbed into the back seat of Courtney's car and the two of them headed off.
"Morning, guys." Damien quietly greeted.
"Oh, hi Damien! You took your time." Courtney beamed at him. "We still need to get Olivia."
"Oh really, I thought she was invisible." Damien mumbled
"Geez, what's got you in a bad mood?"
Damien rolled his eyes at Courtney's remark, confused as to why everyone was cheery on a Monday.
"It's Monday, why should I be in a good mood?"
"Because there's meant to be a new guy today and apparently they're really hot." Courtney stated nonchalantly.
"Court... I'm not gay," Damien retorted.
Upon that statement, Courtney pulled over to let Olivia in. She leaned in to kiss her girlfriend before turning to Damien.
"Sorry, did you want a kiss a well?" Olivia joked.
"I'll pass."
"See, you ARE gay!" Courtney said
"Just because I don't want Olivia to kiss me doesn't mean I'm gay. I'm just aware that you two are in a relationship." Courtney and Olivia looked at each other confused as to why he was so defensive. After a obligatory round of awkward silence, Olivia said, "Anyway, new student today. They're meant to be really hot. Who's excited? I'm excited. What about you guys?"
"I don't really care about it, to be honest." Damien said.
"They won't be as pretty as you." Courtney smiled at Olivia causing a deep blush to be present on her face.
Damien groaned at their moment. He was glad that they were both happy but why did they have to be so romantic. It was frustrating being the constant third wheel.

Once they pulled up to school, they got out of their car and walked into homeroom.
"Attention, students. As your best teacher, I think it is only fitting that I give you today's bulletin. First, there are hockey trials after school for the girls team." Mr. Raub stated, earning Olivia to glance at Courtney. They both had always been good at sports. "In addition to this, the boys team have their trial on Wednesday.
Secondly, the cafeteria is offering a new vegetarian pizza option." The students groaned audibly at that remark. Upon that a blond-haired student entered.
"Um..., sorry sir. I'm new here and..." the boy was cut off.
"Ah, onto the third thing of notice. We have a new student. Would you please give your name to the class?" Mr. Raub boomed
"Oh, um... I'm Shayne." He said quietly. Damien felt sorry for Shayne as he seemed extremely shy.
"Well, Shayne. Take a seat. There's a space next to Damien or a table at the back for you to have." Damien kindly gestured upon his name being called.
Shayne quickly shuffled over to the seat next to Damien at which point Courtney and Olivia had both stopped talking about the trial to talk to Shayne.

Authors Note
This concludes Chapter 2. What will happen next in their conversation? Will Shayne like them?
Is Damien gay?
All this and less answered in the next chapter. 😀


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