29: Spill The Tea, Sis

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Damien left the Taco Bell and texted his mom.

Best Mom

Hi, mom are you working tommorow?

I work everyday.
What do you need?

I wanted to have some friends over and I wanted to make sure it was okay.

How many?


You have more than 3 friends?
My little boy's growing up.
Yeah that should be fine but if you destroy anything I will murder you.

Don't worry, it'll be fine


Is it alright if I turn down some of the baby photos for it?

No, you were an adorable baby.

Damien huffed and went home, looking forward to recording the next day.


The first to arrive to Damien's house was Joven. Damien lead the other to his bedroom and pulled out a spare chair to within the camera's shot and began recording.

"Hi everyone, it's me again and today's video is slightly different than usual. I'm here with my friend Joven."

Joven waved at the camera, smiling. "Hello guys."

"And as you can tell by the title this is going to be slightly different." Damien paused. "I need to come clean with something I haven't told you and that's what this video is for. I'm gay." Damien stopped the recording. "Right, Joven it's done. Do you want to play some Mario Party or something until someone else arrives."

"Yeah sure." Joven responded. The pair booted up Mario Party and set a 10 turn game. Damien played as Boo and Joven played as Dry Bones. The pair paused to let Courtney and Olivia in, who decided to watch the pair play.

Once they finished, the group went to the kitchen and Damien put two pizzas into the oven to cook for their lunch. He passed the remote to Courtney to allow watch a movie while Olivia and Damien.

"Hi guys, I'm here with my friend Olivia."

"Hi everyone!" She beamed.

Damien paused, giving ample time for the next part to be cut. "And I don't care if you unsubscribe because your opinion is your opinion and that's okay." Damien stopped the recording, and smiled at Olivia. "Right, I think the pizzas going to be so we should probably go downstairs." The pair went downstairs to find Courtney watching Mean Girls and Joven on his phone. He noticed a text from Shayne.

Shayne 💛🏳️‍🌈

Hey I'm going to be over in 5 minutes xx

Okay, we've got a couple pizzas that have almost finished. And Mean Girls is on.

Right got to run <3

Damien chuckled at Shayne's comment as he heard the doorbell ring. Joven perked up and ran to the door, and came back with his girlfriend. He gave the latter a hug and guided her to the sofa. The oven blared and so Damien went and took the pizzas out the oven, the group finally simmering down. 

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