16: Acceptance

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"I think there is, so let it out. Let me in." Shayne smiled, waiting for Damien to respond.

Damien wasn't good at opening up, the only reason he made his YouTube channel was to escape from his family - escape from his problems. He sat there frozen, unable to mutter a single sound. He felt numb, cold and scared, but Shayne had opened up to him. He could open up as well. 

Damien never noticed a person pulling him up, nor did he realise that he had fallen off the sofa.

"Damien, are you okay?" Shayne asked, concerned. He nodded lightly, but was still unable to talk. Shayne, however, did not care when Damien was frozen - he understood that people don't want to kick their walls down. 

When Damien tried to speak but couldn't, Shayne didn't care - he understood what it was like to feel that opening up would be a burden to people.

Damien started to speak, "Umm. So, you know how I make YouTube videos." Shayne nodded. "Well, I only really started that because my parents were going through some shit and then it really just took off, so when my life actually calmed down, I couldn't stop making videos. I cut my family off and I would've had no friends if Courtney wasn't so persistent." He stopped.

"And, uhm, I couldn't really escape from it. I stopped going to school for a few weeks because all I could think about was producing the videos. By the time I had come back to school, Courtney and Olivia had started dating, Jacob was being a prick to them and apparently I was gay. But Jacob wouldn't actually hurt them - he was just an idiot and thought they were just friends. But when I came back, the supposed gay kid he had no quarms trying to fight me because you know gay girls are hot but gay guys are Satan himself so you know, that was fun." Damien chuckled, smiling slightly.

"But I think that changed me, because it made me not go to school as often, which made me be able to produce videos and gave me time to think. I still kept in contact with Courtney and Olivia. But I guess that's the only thing of any importance so I think we're done here." Damien rubbed his hands on his legs to get the perspiration off them.

Shayne frowned, knowing that there was still something hiding. "Okay, but if there's anything you want to talk about, then just talk about it. I'm always open." He gave Damien a light hug, before heading home.

Damien waited about a hour before going to their group chat. He was going to come out to them all, and to Mari. It wasn't fair to one earlier. They were all just as good friends as any other.

He texted Mari first.


Hey can I talk to you about something.

Yeah sure :)

I'm pan.

Okay cool, can you send me today's video now :p

Oh shit. I'll record it and send it. I was hanging out with Shayne.

Did you wear protection

We didn't have sex. I haven't PROPERLY come out to him yet.

Because you like him.


I'm sure he'll support you 💜
And if you need a pep talk then I'm here.

Thanks 💜

Damien then went to the group chat to come out to Shayne, Courtney and Olivia

Absolute Queen and Deems

Sup bitches haven't talked in a while.

I was literally just over
- Deem V2

That sounds gay.
- Queen 2

No we just talked
- Deem V2

About how much you love each other
- Queen 1

Yeah about that.
But I want to play a game.
It's called...

You're gay
- Queen 2

What's my sexuality
Courtney lost

- Queen 1

Sexually ambiguous
- Deem V2

And we have no winner.
Tune in next time.

- Queen 2

Well yeah.

My gay-dar is always right.
- Queen 2.

Double date time.
- Queen 1

- Deem V2

No chance
I just got news that What's my sexuality got cancelled
I might as well just say it.
I'm pan

K cool
- Deem V2

That's great Dames
- Queen 2

I've got an idea
- Queen 1

Group chat name changed to Queens and Queers

Deem 's name changed to Queer 1

Deem V2 's name changed to Queer 2

Oh god

I thought the number one would be who topped so y'know.
- Queen 1

Oh let me fix that
- Queen 2

Queen 2's name changed to Queen 1

Queen 1's name changed to Queen 2

- Queer 2

We don't need to know who tops

I need to assert my dominance
- Queen 1 (Courtney now)

- Queen 2

Authors Note
Apologies for the late upload the first half I had major writer's block but the gay shit was coming and it won't stop coming. Now there's four gays that have hit the ground running. I'm gonna stop before I ruin an iconic song.

Will they date?
Would Courtney actually top?
Will there ever be a double date?

Thank you for reading my most average chapter yet in Behind A Mask

Road to 1k. Here we go. 💛💚💙


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