13: Anger

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This chapter will be featuring homophobic language in parts of this chapter so if you don't feel comfortable reading this, don't . There is warnings for parts with it though :)

Shayne opened his eyes to find himself back on the floor that he had been left on the night before. He laid there for over a minute, hoping for a teacher to come but nobody came. He admitted defeat, knowing that there was no escape, and got up.

He followed the corridors down to what was his old biology class and sat in his seat next to the only person who didn't hate him: Ian. Or, at least he planned to.

When he entered the room it was identical to his calculus class. He noticed Damien waving him over and he sat down.

"Hey, where were you?" Damien asked worriedly

"Don't worry." Shayne said, smiling. The two of them did the work in comfortable silence, Damien occasionally checking his phone.

"You know, I kinda wanted to talk to you about something." Damien said, unable to look at Shayne.

"Okay." Shayne said calmly.

"Oh, I really don't know how to say this. But..."

"Then don't say it." Shayne said, pulling Damien into a kiss. He felt Damien kiss back for a fraction of a second, but then he stopped. He opened his eyes, concerned, and did not see Damien.

In front of him was Bruce. "What the fuck?" He shouted.

You might want to stop reading here :)

Shayne turned around and started to run but just like everything else in his life, he was not good at it. Bruce started to close up on him, not enough to tackle him, but enough to make Shayne nervous. Shayne rounded the corner to find Bruce's cronies waiting for him. They blocked his way past them, allowing Bruce to catch up to them.

"You're such a faggot. Why the fuck did you try to kiss me?" Bruce said, causing Shayne to start to cry. He blinked away the tears and Damien returned.

It's safe now.

"Shayne, are you alright?" He said, hugging him.

"Please don't leave me. I don't want him to come back." Shayne said, crying. Damien held Shayne, mumbling that it was going to be okay but it stopped when Damien wiped his eyes to get rid of his tears.

"Get the fuck off me." Bruce said, pushing Shayne off him. He fell to the floor and before he got kicked, he closed his eyes and descended into the darkness.


Damien had thought Shayne was distant today. When Courtney had picked them up, he didn't greet any of them. In Calculus, Shayne just sat down and did the work. Courtney told him that he didn't even go to Biology. So when Shayne came toward the group at lunch as a bundle of joy, Damien was concerned.

"Hey, what's got you in such a good mood?" Damien asked.

"Well, I just got a test back and it turns out I'm not a complete failure." Shayne showed Damien a test with a large red A circled in the top right.

Damien instantly hugged Shayne, "Oh my fucking god, Shayne. That's fantastic." Shayne started to cough.

"Can't... Breathe." Shayne muttered. Damien lightened the hug and eventually let go. The pair then sat down at the table where Courtney and Olivia were mid conversation.

The group of four started to talk, Courtney occasionally joking that this was their first double date, often causing Damien to blush and Shayne and Olivia to laugh. One of the times this happened, however, was when Jacob was passing.

Yep it's one of those moments

"Oh, look who was wrong. Turns out you are a bunch of faggots." Jacob boomed laughing. Shayne started to cower and Olivia yelped.

"It's the same as last time you tried to make your pathetic life a little bit better. It's just me and Olivia who are gay, so back the fuck off." Courtney said, standing up outraged.

Damien stood up next and started to shout, "You know what, what is your issue? That two guys are friends. Oh, fuck off. The only person who has an issue with this is you. So, why don't you just fuck off and let four friends eat. I told you last time to stop. C'mon guys, we've got better places to be."

Safe again.

Damien grabbed his bag and started to walk off. Courtney instantly followed, and the other two began to rush after them. "I am so sick of him." Courtney said.

"Tell me about it." Damien replied, walking onto the nearby field.

"Wait, why are we going onto the field?" Olivia asked, concerned.

"I have something planned." Damien said, stopping at a large willow tree and sitting down. "He won't know we're here. It'd be pretty quiet AND I've got a thing we can put our food on as a table."

Damien pulled out a large pride flag and shook it so it was at its maximum length. The group grinned, sitting down in a circle.

"You know, I could get behind eating here." Shayne said, grinning.

Authors Note
Another chapter is complete. I have now started to name my chapter. Can you guys spot the link between the last two?
Why does Damien have a Pride flag?
Are we gonna have more Jacob? (Yes unfortunately but not for a while :) )

Thank you for reading Chapter 13 of Behind A Mask. I hope you enjoyed 💙💚💜


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