12: Denial

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Damien woke up, surpised to find himself intertwined with another person in his bed. His arm was dead and he could tell the person in front of him was smaller than him. Damien gently pulled the other person closer, noticing the other slightly shaking.

The other person turned around and Damien's eyes grew wider, realising the other person in his bed was Shayne.

The memories of the previous day came flooding back: the pair of them cuddling watching Love, Simon and then when watching Mulan, Shayne waking up at 3am screaming and the pair of them cuddling again, and then Damien holding Shayne until he fell asleep.

Surely that didn't mean anything though? Damien thought. He knew he wasn't gay - he had a crush on multiple girls over the previous years - but this felt different. He needed to protect Shayne and he just wanted to hold him.

Damien grabbed his phone off the bedside table and saw a message from Mari.

Coolest Girl

Are you gonna send me a video to edit?

Oh, It's just me going through the subreddit.
So don't worry

Shayne began to stir, causing Damien to put his phone down and pull Shayne closer again. His breathing slowed and his eyes fluttered open. Shayne jumped slightly out of fear.

"Hey, don't worry. It's just me." Damien said, aware that Shayne wouldn't fully know where he was. Shayne started to move, and looked behind him to see Damien almost completely naked. Shayne gasped softly resulting in Damien blushing.

"Morning." Shayne huskily murmured, his voice just as tired as he was.

"Morning. You okay?" Damien asked.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"

Damien realised he didn't recall waking up earlier and didn't want to scare Shayne. "I was just making sure." He said, pulling him toward his chest again. Shayne sighed deeply, contented with Damien holding him.

The two of them stayed like that for a while, until he received a message. Damien freed one of his hands to check it:

Coolest Girl

Awh that'd be nice.

I hope so :p the series needs a revival.

Damien put his phone away again and asked, "Do you want to get some food?" Shayne nodded eagerly, stretching and starting to head downstairs. Damien quickly grabbed some sweatpants and a t-shirt and followed suit.

Damien found Shayne sitting on the sofa, fixed on his phone. "Hello, may I take your order?" Damien joked.

"What would you recommend?" Shayne asked, keeping up the scene.

"Well, for the pancakes, I'd personally go for a light splash of lemon juice with sugar." Damien started to laugh. "But, you could get some Nutella or maple syrup."

"I think I'll go for the maple syrup, please." Shayne said, also laughing.

"I'll give that to our Head Chef, Damien." He said, before turning to go to the kitchen.

Damien returned about 20 minutes later, with two plates of pancakes and placed them on the table. Shayne instantly started to eat the pancakes.

"I hate you." Shayne said.

"Oh no, I'm so sorry. Do you want something else?"

"No! Why are you good at everything?" Shayne exclaimed, frustration leaking in his voice.

"Oh you actually like them."

"Yeah, and that's why I hate you."

"Love you too, babyboy." Damien blew a kiss at him, causing Shayne to flush crimson. Damien turned his head down and focused on his plate of pancakes. The pair of them ate awkwardly until Damien's mom came downstairs.

"Morning, Dames. Hi, Shayne." She greeted.

"Hi, Mom. There's some pancakes for you in the kitchen." Damien beamed.

"Ah, sweetie. You didn't." She said, squeezing his face. "Have fun on your date." She left, watching as they both blushed.

"Uhh... Sorry about her she's a little..."

"Don't apologize, she's amazing." Shayne said, chuckling lightly.

"You won't be saying that at the wedding." Damien said. Shayne started to choke on his food, eventually swallowing it.

"Dude, what the fuck?" Shayne said.

"Relax, I was joking." Damien laughed. Shayne frowned, realising that he actually was joking and went back to eating his pancakes.

Once the pair of them had finished, Shayne quickly had a shower and got into some clothes Damien had allowed him to borrow. He met Damien downstairs who passed him clothes from the day before in a bag and Damien's mom drove Shayne and him to his house.

On the way back, Damien's mom said, "You really like him, don't you?"

Authors Note

Yay. Twelve chapters have been finished now. This felt like such a bad chapter in comparison to previous ones so I'm sorry about that.
Is Damien getting too bold?
Is Shayne too head over heels?
Does Damien like Shayne?

You might get a resolution to the final question next Chapter 👀 but until then thank you for reading Chapter 12 of Behind A Mask.


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