6: 2/3 Ain't Bad

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Damien's last lesson went by slowly without the company of Shayne, Courtney or Olivia. English Literature was boring and unnecessary in his opinion. He didn't need to know the themes and symbolisms of To Kill A Mockingbird. With 10 minutes of the lesson to go, he recieved a text from Courtney in the group chat

Absolute Queens and Deems

Do any of you guys want/need a lift (offer applies to Shayne as well)
- Queen 2

You don't even know where I live.
- Shayne

Then you can tell us so we can drive you if you want
Also I'm changing ur name
- Queen 2

Shayne's named changed to Deem V2

Wow. You're really gonna do that to me.

I mean it's not wrong :P
- Deem V2

I'll have a lift X
- Queen 1

Oh, yeah me too.
- Deem V2

Im meeting up with someone so don't worry about me.

Okay, guess it'll be the better three then <3
- Queen 2

Damien put his phone away and started packing up at the teachers announcement. He walked for about 15 minutes until Mari pulled up into the mall's parking lot, Joven in the passenger seat. He hopped into the car and sat behind Joven.
"Hi, Damien. How was school?" Mari asked. She always liked to act like a mother figure.
"Oh, it was fine, I guess." Damien responded, before going onto his phone, noticing some texts from Shayne.


Hey, is everything alright?
Courtney said that you almost always need a lift
She's worried that she pissed you off

Oh I'm fine, dw.
She hasn't pissed me off I'm just catching up with a friend :)

Oh, okay. I'm glad you're okay :)

Joven, noticing that Damien was texting someone, asked, "So who are you texting, Damien?"

"Oh, my friend Shayne."

"Is he new or something? You've never told me about him." Mari commented.

"Yeah, he's new." Damien said, "Oh, I'm gonna send you the video that needs editing." He pulled out his laptop and sent it to Mari.

"Okay, I'll get round to it later." Mari replied.

Once the three of them pulled up to Mari's house, Joven and Damien sat on the couch and started to watch some re-runs of Friends while Mari edited Damien's video. After a while of Joven and Damien debating over the best Friends character, Damien received a text from his mom


Hey sweetie, did you get to Mari's alright.

Yep, I got there alright. xx

Okay. Wear protection :)

I told you we're not dating.

Frustrated, Damien turned his phone off and continued to watch Friends. After the episode ended, Joven asked,
"Is it okay if I grab some food?"

"Wait a second, I'll join you. Damien, if you want to quickly watch the video you can." Mari replied, watching Joven leave. "Okay Damien, pep talk time."

"Oh shit, probably should've rehearsed this. Well, if he doesn't say yes then he's a bigger idiot than we thought he was." Damien chuckled before giving Mari a hug. He sat down and watched the video as Mari walked off.

Ten minutes after he finished watching and copying the video to his USB, Joven and Mari returned with Pizza and Chips - both of them smiling.

"So, I guess the pep talk worked?" Damien light-heartedly stated

"What do you mean pep talk?" Joven asked.

"Oh I was gonna ask you out so I asked Damien to give me a pep talk. Guess I didn't need it though." Mari cheerily responded, before pressing a light kiss to Joven's cheek. Damien was happy for his friend but still felt alone. He was abandoned by his friends for their partners and he now realised how grateful he was that Shayne had become his friend.

Authors Note
Sorry for the late chapter.
First, I want to say thank you guys for reading as this recently hit 100 reads.
Secondly, I want to ask who you're favourite Friends character is.
And this concludes Chapter 6 :)


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