5: Panic! At The Bio

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After a few minutes of Shayne and Damien waiting at the entrance of their calculus class for Courtney, who was caught in the sea of students struggling to get to their lessons, Shayne decided to text her to see where she was.


Hey, it's Shayne. Are you still meeting me at calc?

Shayne waited for another minute without recieving a response and his anxiety levels rose. Damien turned to Shayne, "Shayne, it's alright. She'll come, it's just busy in this corridor. I need to go but it'll be okay, okay?"

"Okay. It's okay. I'm fine. I'll see you at lunch?"

"Definitely. Right, I'll see you later." Damien waved.
Shayne pulled his phone back out and noticed that Courtney had sent a response.


Sorry I'm just about to turn to that corridor, it's really busy :)

Oh thank god, was getting really worried :)

After sending the message, Shayne looked up and noticed Courtney and started heading over to her.
"Hi. Where do we need to go?"

"Well, we're going to be late so do you want to take a slightly longer way that will be quieter?"

"Oh, okay." Shayne mumbled nervously, trying as to ensure he had friends to stay with. The pair of them headed down the unused back staircase and slowly went to their biology room.

"Good morning, class and open your textbooks to..." as the teacher started speaking, Shayne and Courtney entered the room, Shayne immediately apologetic and Courtney decided to explain the situation. After the usual introduction to the class, Shayne sat next to Courtney and both began to do the work in silence.

After a while, the teacher announced that they would start a practical and inspect a onion cell under a microscope, enabling the pair of them to talk.

"So, how was calculus with Damien?" Courtney enquired, causing Shayne to blush lightly.

"Oh, uh... It was good. We talked a lot, he's pretty cool." Shayne said.

"I'm glad you two are getting along. Damien seems to get frustrated about the constant third wheeling." Courtney chuckled.

"Oh. You and Olivia are a thing, right?" Shayne asked

"Yeah, she's just..." she paused, trying to stop flushing a deep shade of red, "great, beautiful, better than every single person."

"Awh, that's so sweet." Shayne commented, before returning to the task at hand. They ended up finishing the work and were able to talk some more.

"Do you think Damien likes me?" Shayne asked. Courtney raised her eyebrows, confused as to why he would ask that.

"Yeah, definitely. Why would you think that?"

"Because when I was waiting for you, he left like two minutes before you arrived and I was worried he was sick of me." Shayne mumbled.

"Oh, Shayne. Don't worry about Damien going. He probably just wanted to get to his lesson. Also, he had Chemistry and that's the only subject he actually likes." Courtney said.

"Oh, okay." Shayne cheerily replied.


At lunch, Damien, Olivia, Shayne and Courtney met at a table outside the cafeteria to talk. Damien and Olivia sat next to each other with Courtney and Shayne opposite them. Shayne stared at the shrubbery to his right, due to him forgetting his lunch and not bringing any money. Shayne was caught off guard by Damien saying, "Shayne, are you going to eat anything?"

"Oh, I left my food at home I'll have something when I get to my house."

"Oh nope, you are not getting away with that here's some money get some pizza or something." Olivia offered.

"Oh, you don't have to, it's fine."

Courtney then whispered to Shayne, "If Olivia tells you to do something, you should probably do it otherwise she will kill you." Shayne turned white and then nervously took the money.

Damien, who noticed the others sudden paleness asked, "Dude, are you alright? You look like you've just seen a ghost."

"Yeah, I'm fine. Actually, could you, like, help me get some food, I don't know what's good here?" Damien nodded and left to get some food with Shayne. "So, there's only the vegetarian pizza and a cheese sandwich, what do you want?" Damien asked.

"Could you get me the cheese sandwich, please?"

"Yep, I'll be right back." Damien said, before rushing into the line to make sure he could get the sandwich. After a couple of minutes, Damien returned and passed him the sandwich.

"Thank you so much!" Shayne beamed.

"Don't thank me, thank Olivia." Damien responded.

Once they returned to the table, Olivia was laughing and Courtney said, "I was joking, Shayne. She won't kill you."

"Yeah, I know, but it was kinda like..." Shayne stopped.

"Like what?" Damien asked worriedly.

"Oh it's nothing, don't worry." Shayne responded.

"Okay..." Olivia said, still skeptical and concerned.

After a while, a few of the teachers who were on lunch duty told students to head to their lesson, with all four of them going in different directions.

Authors Note
Sorry for the slightly longer chapter but I hope you enjoyed.
What happened to Shayne?
When will we have Mari personally appear?
Will this school day ever end?
Thank you for reading Chapter 5 of Behind A Mask 😌.


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