11: The Streak

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Trigger Warning: if you dislike the use of homophobic slurs being used skip to the next Bold writing :)

Shayne fell against the lockers of the main hall, watching three people quickly approach him. He tried to stand up and maintain his ground but was tripped up by the figure in the middle. The two on their side held Shayne up, causing him to whimper.

"Look at you, you're a little pathetic faggot." The person said. Shayne blinked back the tears in his eyes to see Bruce, the hockey captain, standing in front of him. "You think I would like someone as worthless as you. Now I realise why you have no friends." He then began to punch Shayne in the stomach, causing him to drop.

At this point, an audience had formed around them, just like every other day for the past year and a half. "You seem to think that because I'm gay, I don't have standards. Newsflash:..." Shayne cried out, getting punched again.

"What was that dickhead. You have standards? Well not anymore." Bruce signalled for his two cronies to drop Shayne, and they all started kicking Shayne, who had now curled up to protect his head.

Bruce gestured to the group surrounding them. "Are any of you gonna help this worthless bitch?" He boomed, and then turned his attention to Shayne. "See, nobody wants to help you. Every knows you are a waste of space." He kicked him one more time before spitting on him and walking off.

It's fine now :) for those who didn't read, Shayne recalled being bullied at his previous school by his "crush".

Shayne woke up, unaware that he was screaming. Damien had also woken up because of Shayne's screaming.

"What the..." Damien groaned. "Fuck. Shayne?" Shayne turned to face Damien with wide watery eyes. He could hear footsteps coming from upstairs and started to panic. "Shayne, what's wrong."

"Nothing..." He paused, "I'm fine. Totally." Damien frowned, not believing his friend.

"Nightmare?" Damien asked. Shayne couldn't speak and so nodded. Damien sat up and shuffled over to his friend. He wrapped his arms around Shayne and pulled him to his chest.

Shayne sighed deeply, before slowly crying. Damien's mother entered the room. "Is everything alright, I heard screaming?" She asked concerned, but swiftly left noticing Damien gesturing for her to be quiet. Damien hugged Shayne closer.

"It's okay, babyboy. I'm here, you don't need to worry. I'll keep you safe." Damien whispered softly. Shayne collapsed into the embrace, whimpering slightly.

Damien's mom returned with a glass of water and said, "You guys will need to go back to sleep it's 3 in the morning." She smiled, turned around and headed upstairs.

Shayne turned his attention to Damien and asked, "Is it alright if I sleep with you?" Damien looked at Shayne, saw how his eyes didn't shimmer, saw how pained he looked, and recalled what had just happened. Shayne's face lit up as Damien led Shayne upstairs into his bedroom.

Damien turned the light on and Shayne scanned the room, and noticed how tidy it was compared to the rest of the house. Shayne groggily strolled to the bed before laying in it.

"Dude, do you want a change of clothes or something?" Damien asked.

"Oh, uh... Sure, I guess." Shayne said, getting out the bed. Damien passed him some slightly oversized clothes for him to wear. Damien turned around, allowing Shayne to change without him looking.

After getting changed, he turned around to see Damien wearing nothing but boxers. Shayne blushed with embarrassment. Damien was hot - like really hot.

Damien asked, "Are you okay with me just wearing this, I'm not really comfortable wearing... layers?" Shayne nodded quickly, internally facepalming at how eager he seemed.

The pair of them got into bed, and started to talk.

"So, do you make YouTube videos or something?" Shayne asked curiously.

"Oh, shit." Damien said


"I didn't post a video today. One sec." Damien pulled out his phone to text someone, but put it back less than a minute after.

"Surely that isn't a big deal."

"Yeah, you're right. It's just I've posted everyday for almost 3 years."

"Wow." Shayne said, hearing a noise coming from his trousers. He got out of bed seeing a notification.

FrozenGaming has made a community post.

He opened the notification.

Hey everyone, sorry for not posting Yesterday - will be a double upload today instead. :)

Shayne brushed it off before getting back in bed. "Goodnight, Damien."

"Goodnight, Shayne." Damien said, wrapping his arm around his smaller friend. For the first time in two years, Shayne slept completely fine.

Authors Note
The gayness intensifies. Wooooo. Yay to the gay. In other news, I have updated eleven days in a row - that beats my previous record of ten which was set yesterday.

Does Shayne realise the link?
Is Damien an idiot?
Will the gay intensify more? (Of course it does)

To my 3 readers, I wish to thank you so much for your continued support, I love you all so much 💙💚.

And to any new people who read this, I love you just as much. 💚💙

This concludes Chapter 11 of Behind A Mask, I hope you enjoyed and stay safe :)


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