23: And Strip Me Down

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Damien met up with Mari and Joven and drove with them to the cinema as they thought the others wouldn't like them.

"Dames, do you think this will even work?" Mari asked, nervously.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it. Shayne loves you and Courtney and Olivia are obsessed about getting to talk to new people." Damien responded, reassuringly.

"Okay, but like, would this become a proper group thing?" Joven asked.

"Well if you wanted to, and if they wanted to then I don't see why not. Besides, there's movies to see, places to go..."

"We could do a group bowling thing session." Mari added

"Well, if the others want to, we might be able to go bowling afterwards." Damien replied, heading out of Mari's car and pulled out his phone to see if the others were there. He received a text from Shayne in the group chat.

Absolute Queens And Queers

Hey guys, are you almost here?

- Queer 2

Shayne look behind you, me and Olivia are here.

- Queen 1

Me, Mari and Joven have just arrived. :) 

Mari and Joven dispersed to get some snacks as Damien headed to the ticket purchasing machine. He was half-way through purchasing some tickets for Frozen 2 when Shayne came up to him.

"Okay, your hair looks fucking amazing, holy shit."

"Awh, thanks. Your hair looks just as great as it usually does." Damien responded

 "Thanks, are you going to want any snacks?" Shayne offered.

"Oh, could you get me some popcorn, please." Damien requested.

"Yeah, sure. I'll be back in a minute." Shayne said, leaving to get the popcorn for Damien as the rest of the group headed towards Damien. They had not been told what movie they were watching and were now pleading to know what movie they were going to watch. 

"Seriously, Damien, are you going to tell us what movie we're watching?" Olivia asked, evidently frustrated.


"Come on, Dames." Mari said, "Why won't you tell us?"

"It's a surprise." Damien watched as Shayne returned to the group, handing a large box of popcorn to him, smiling lightly. 

The group headed to the employee - who was the same one as the one where they watched Love, Simon, and notified in the same monotonous tone, "You're in seats H 4 to H 9. Enjoy your film." The group continued to walk and watched the adverts prior to the film sitting in their usual pairs. Damien had remained quiet on what movie they were watching for a while, but before the lights dimmed, he quietly murmured to Shayne that they were watching Frozen 2. 


The group left the movie, debating as to whether Frozen 2 was better than the first one. Damien and Shayne both thought the sequel was better, however, the others were of the contrarian opinion. "Frozen 2 doesn't have any iconic songs." Courtney said.

"Excuse me, Lost In The Woods exists." Shayne responded.

"Besides, they actually utilise Groffsauce and for once didn't have an awful twist villian. Like Hans is so awful, it clearly wasn't meant for him to be the villian." Damien added.

"But it doesn't have Let It Go." Mari said.

"And Anna is so much worse in the sequel." Olivia said.

"And Elsa is so much worse in the original. Your point is what, exactly?"

"My point is..." 

"Can you guys just stop?" Joven interrupted. "I just want to get home and relax."

"Or... we could go Bowling as a group?"

"Yes. Damien you're amazing." Courtney said.

"Don't thank me, thank Mari." Damien admitted.

"Mari you're amazing." Olivia said, resulting in Shayne chuckling.

"Oh god, they're too cute. This isn't what you and Shayne are going to be like, right?" Joven whispered to Damien, resulting in him flushing a deep shade of red and choking. Fortunately for him, only Joven noticed and laughed, which was a major relief. 

The group arrived at the bowling plaza and went into two lanes, as there was a max of 4 per lane. They decided that because of it, they had to do teams. Logically, they did guys vs girls. It was tense through the most part with the best - Joven and Courtney -  being on different teams. The rest of them were fairly evenly matched so to add a competitive aspect, the weaker pairs in the trio had to do a pairs bowl. Mari carried Olivia on her shoulders as she threw it. It went into the gutter but that was the purpose. The second time round they swapped who threw it and who was carrying and they hit 3 pins (giving the girls a final total of 348).

Next, Shayne and Damien went up and they decided that the other person was to slide through the other persons legs pick up the ball in the other person's hand and bowl the ball. It worked the first time, Shayne grabbed the ball and hit 6 of the pins bringing the total to 343. The second time, when Damien had to grab the ball, Shayne lost his balance after Damien had bowled it and fell over. The pair stared at each other, Damien waiting for Shayne to get off of him, but Shayne didn't want to. They didn't realise that they had got a spare and had to bowl again. 

Eventually, Shayne got up and suggested that they mimic the other team and lift the other. Damien went to lift Shayne up, but was stopped by Shayne.

"No, I was going to do the lifting, you can actually bowl." Damien hummed lightly in response, and picked a ball up. He released it, and the ball flew down the alley. The pair watched as it hit 9 of the pins, giving them a final score of 356. Shayne let Damien down and they instantly went into a hug and jumped.

 Joven eventually joined the rest of his team in the celebration shouting, "You did you bitches."

"I can't believe you got over your collective gay overload and actually won." Olivia said, resulting in the group laughing and the other two blushing. 

 Authors Note

Yay. The Steak continues. Thank you all for reading this chapter and i apologise for any issues with the texting scene - so if there is the messages are in the order of Shayne, Courtney and then Damien.

Is Frozen 2 better than the first?

Are you guys looking forward to Homecoming?

To all Americans, is their a homecoming king and queen?

This concludes another longer chapter of Behind A Mask - I hope you all enjoyed it :)


Behind A Mask - ShaymienWhere stories live. Discover now