30: Champions One And All.

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Friday rolled around for the last time on the group's school year. The four of them were about to graduate.

Damien was more than excited to graduate and prioritise his friends and family to his education for a while.

He sent a text in the group chat about graduation.

Absolute Queens and Queers

Awh yeah, I won't have to see you for a couple months.

I thought you wanted to record videos with us.
Are we not friends anymore?
- Queen 2

Wait you're breaking up with me?
- Queer 2

I was joking guys 😂

Yeah he wouldn't break up with Shayne.
- Queen 1

- Queen 2

True. He's just too cute.

I hate you.
- Queer 2

Love you too babyboy 😚

Hey Olivia, I do love you 💚
- Queen 1

Oh really. I almost forgot after dating for so long :p
- Queen 2

Ugh we're such a mess
- Queen 1

Oh look, it's three people who are too gay to function.

I'm the only sane one left.
- Queen 2

Sis, we know Damien's the only sane one
- Queer 2

Defending your boyfriend?
- Queen 1


We just have to sit there for like an hour :/
- Queer 2

Speak for yourself. They're making me do a speech.
- Queen 1

Sucks to be a nerd.
- Queen 2

Sucks to not be a nerd and almost not graduate.

I did not come here to get personally attacked.
- Queen 2

Too bad. You attack your girl, we attack you.

Guess I'll leave then
See you at school
- Queen 2

Ah bby you don't need to leave
- Queen 1

I meant it as in not be talking on the group chat.
The Shayne approach.
- Queen 2

Oh no they're onto me
- Queer 2

Right bitches, I'm going to pick y'all up now so if you're not ready you're walking.
- Queen 1

With that, Damien hastily put his phone down and put some bread in the toast. Courtney arrived to Damien buttering the toast and so waited for 30 seconds.

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