20: Stripped Away

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Damien was about to leave Shayne's house when he checked his phone: a message from Courtney, a message from Mari, messages from Olivia and a peculiar news article were flooding his notifications.

Designated Driver 🏳️‍🌈

You didn't tell me you did YouTube :p

I don't. Wdym.

*attached link*
FrozenGaming Editor seen with two others - who is the man behind the mask?

Person in the picture kinda looks like you 👀

And I'm generic - could be anyone. 🤦‍♂️

If it is you, I won't tell anyone.
But I will be subscribing :)

If it was me hypothetically I wouldn't want you to subscribe ;)


:) Ttyl

He went to check his messages from Olivia.

Courtney's Better Half

Damien are you okay.
Have you seen this news article?
I'm here if you need me :)

I've seen, dw.
But thank you 🖤

Damien then realised the news article in his series of notifications was that article. He looked at the pictures, muttering curses at his idea to have lunch outside. His ridiculing came to an abrupt halt when Shayne came up to him.

"Hey is everything okay, Dames?" He asked, nervously.

"Nope, not at all." He responded. "Me getting lunch with one of my friends may just leak that I'm a Youtuber."

"Oh, so are you FrozenGaming?" Shayne commented, smiling. He had clearly seen the article as well.

"Yeah, I guess I am but if you tell anyone I'll kill you." He laughed.

"I can't believe I figured it out. I was only like 67% sure. Oh my god I did it."

"Yeah, good job. Right I got to talk to a friend so I'll be on my way." He said, giving Shayne a light hug and leaving.

"Bye, Damien. Stay safe."

Damien opened his messages from Mari.

Coolest Girl

Dames, you need to see this.
*attached link*
FrozenGaming Editor seen with two others - who is the man behind the mask?

I know. I've been sent it twice.
Shayne had already worked out because I gave away too much.
But Courtney and Olivia are is onto me.

Well, I hope everything goes okay.

It'll be fine - we're almost at 17mil. Face reveal?

Do you actually want to that?
You could just ignore the rumours.

Nah, it's cool.

Well have fun, just don't look on Twitter rn.

Damien groaned, realising that Mari did have his best interests at heart, but the temptation got the better of him and he opened Twitter.

And there it was on trending, the images. The theories. The stans fangirling over who they thought it was. The only possible good thing about it was the minor publicity he would get. He was going to do a face reveal to ride out the spike in publicity. Damien knew it wasn't going to die down and he sent out a poll.

Face reveal at 17million or 20million?

He closed Twitter and added a community post onto his channel, containing only a link to the poll and waited. Maybe this won't be so bad. Damien thought.


The next day, Damien recorded the face reveal video. "Hi, everyone. This is going to be a short video but if you're watching this it doesn't replace the daily video. Okay, so yesterday a potential picture of me blew up on Twitter and so I thought it was time for a face reveal. So, here we go." Damien took his mask off, waved and signed off.

When he stopped recording, he sighed and checked the Twitter poll and was not surprised to see an overwhelming vote for 17 million but was surprised to see that he had already hit 17 million and went to upload the video.


Shayne sprung up when he received a notification.

FrozenGaming had posted a new video "The Truth"

Shayne laughed at the click-bait but immediately clicked it. He watched as Damien stumbled his way through the two minute video and sent him a text.

Damien 💛

Omg you are so strong and I am so proud of you for doing this. 💛

Awh thanks. Wish I didn't have to do it but you know.

It'll blow over at some stage - the only people who will really care are the stans.

hehe. Ttyl babyboy.


Shayne changed tabs and sighed, he had fallen in deep.

Authors Note

Thank you for reading Part 2 of the slightly promiscuous chapter names :). Firstly, we hit 800 reads and are moving ever closer to 100 votes so thank you so much for that. Secondly, thank you all for putting up with my writing in this book when I peaked in it already (Chapter 9 was undoubtedly the best chapter imo). And thirdly, because I need three things all the time - RuLe oF ThREe - thank you for still being alive.

Will Damien's school life change now?
Will Courtney find out?
Will Damien's two friend groups become a super group?

This concludes Chapter 20, I repeat Chapter 20, omg I've been writing 20 days in a row when I never really had been doing writing for enjoyment a day in my life, of Behind A Mask. Thanks for Reading.


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