27: Opened Book

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The four juniors walked to Courtney's car, smiles covering the majority of their faces. Courtney was particularly happy, as she could now have some more keychains. Well, and the fact that two of her closest friends were truly happy. Courtney's happiness, however, could not rival her girlfriends.

"So, when's the double date going to be?" Olivia asked.

"And I thought us getting together would stop you from asking." Shayne responded.

"I thought the fact that getting you guys to meet Mari and Joven would stop it." Damien added.

"So, guys when's the triple date gonna happen?" Olivia corrected, causing the group to laugh.

"I don't know, Olivia. If you really want to go on a triple date ask Mari and Joven. Just stop asking us, please." Damien replied. "I'll give you their numbers, don't worry."

"Okay, I'll set it up." Olivia said, as the car began to slow down. They had reached their first destination - Damien's house.

He hopped out the car, saying goodbye to his friends and walked to his front door. Damien realised he had to talk to his mom. He had to reveal everything.

The door opened and he was greeted with his mom, who was sitting on the sofa. "Hi, Damien. How was it?"

"Oh, it was fine, I guess." Damien said, heading upstairs to get changed out of his suit and have a shower. His time in the shower gave him time to think. He still hadn't fully processed that he was dating Shayne. He still hadn't processed that he would have to go on triple dates with Olivia. His shower gave him time to process and put his mind at ease.

After getting out of the shower, Damien headed downstairs. "Hey, mom. Can I talk to you for a second?" His mom nodded. Damien sat next to his mom on the sofa and began to talk. "Do you remember what you said  to me before I left?"

"What how I said that if you were to date Shayne to tell m...Oh. My little boy's finally found love." She exclaimed.

"So, you're okay with me not being straight?" Damien asked.

"If I wasn't okay with it I would've kicked you out years ago." She responded.

"But I only came out to my friends last month."

"And you were clearly not straight. Did you think I didn't realise you having pictures of shirtless guys as your laptop wallpaper. Or when..."

"Mom! No, stop, please." Damien shouted, playfully.

"Alright. But I'm happy for you, Dames."

"Thanks, but there's something else I need to tell you."

"What is it, sweetie?" His mom asked, curiously.

"So, I kind of do YouTube."

"Yeah, you have some plaques on the wall."

"Do you know what those plaques mean?"

"That you hit a certain amount of subscribers, and based on the fact that one of them means you've exceeded 10 million subs you probably get money from the videos."

"Oh, yeah. Didn't think you'd know that much."

"I'm not that old." She exclaimed.

"Oh, fair enough. Anyway, because, as you said, I make money, I think it's time I pay rent."

"That's really not necessary, you do chores around the house without getting an allowance. It's fine." His mom said.

"But mom, it's not fair that you buy the food and pay for the bills and that shit."


"Sorry, but it's still not fair."

"But I don't need money. It's fine, Damien. It really is. You don't need to worry about money because we're fine."

"Ok, mom. I'm probably going to go to bed now, I'm a bit tired." He said, not wanting to further annoy his mom.

"Night, sweetie. Sleep well." She leaned in to hug the taller and smiled. She was comforted knowing that her son cared.

Damien laid in his bed and checked his phone - and noticed he was added to a new group chat.

Date Night Is Every Night

Courtney's Better Half  created a group chat
Courtney's Better Half added You
Courtney's Better Half added Shayne 🏳️‍🌈💛
Courtney's Better Half added Designated Driver
Courtney's Better Half added Coolest Girl
Courtney's Better Half added Coolest Guy

Damien told me to try arrange a triple date for us 6 so here I am
- Courtney's Better Half

Awh that's nice but who are all you guys?
- Coolest Girl

I'm Shayne aka Damien's boyfriend.
- Shayne 🏳️‍🌈💛

You still haven't gotten over it have you lmao
This is Olivia :)
- Courtney's Better Half

No I haven't. I'm happy okay
- Shayne 🏳️‍🌈💛

This was so annoying with me only having Shayne having his proper name.

Sucks to suck Dames
- Coolest Girl

Oh and the other person is Courtney
Aka the shittier version of me
- Courtney's Better Half

*Attached image*
I literally have you as Courtney's Better Half lmao.

Wow Damien
I thought we were friends.
- Designated Driver.

Weren't we meant to plan a triple date?
- Shayne 🏳️‍🌈💛

Who said we weren't friends?

Oh shit yeah.
So Sunday at 6?
- Courtney's Better Half

I'd be down
I'd have to talk with Joven tho.
He's probably sleeping
- Coolest Girl

Hey Damien, we're not doing anything on Sunday right?
- Shayne 🏳️‍🌈💛

Nope, we can go on the date which would technically be our first date.

Can't wait 💙
- Shayne

Awh cute
- Designated Driver

Right night y'all.
Ew I used y'all.
I hate myself
- Courtney's Better Half

Damien put his phone on the bedside and went to sleep, looking forward to Sunday.

Authors Note

Thank you for reading a slightly shorter chapter than the previous ones since my return. I hope you all enjoyed. We're getting a lot closer to the end of the book but I might do a sequel 👀.

Will Joven find out about the triple date?
Where would they eat?
Would they do the sexy times? (No they won't I did say I won't do smut)

This concludes this chapter of Behind A Mask. Thank you all so much for reading and your continued support.


Behind A Mask - ShaymienWhere stories live. Discover now