4: Shit That's Gay

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Damien and Shayne headed to calculus with the two of them diverting at the entrance; the former headed to their seat in the third row whereas Shayne went to the teacher. After the typical introduction to the class, he went to sit by his new friend.

The lesson went by quickly, due to them constantly whispering to each other and discovering their shared interests in video games.

With 10 minutes of the lesson remaining, Damien asked, "Can I see your timetable?"
Shayne pulled the timetable out of his pocket and passed it to Damien. Damien scribbled a series of C's, O's, and D's by each class.
"Good news, you share most lessons with at least one of us. Bad news, none of us do Art but also good news, it's the classes by the cafeteria so you shouldn't get lost." Damien stated.
"Thanks, bro! You're a lifesaver." Shayne said.
"I'm gonna text Courtney to meet you here so you can get to Bio."
"Oh, cool. Could I uhm..." he paused, reverting to his initial awkwardness at the beginning of the day. "Could I get your number?"

Damien nodded and passed his phone to Shayne. Damien then followed up on his plan to send a message to Courtney.

Designated Driver

Hey could you come to my calc room to meet up with Shayne before bio :)

OMG he's in my bio.


Now I can tell him all about you
Like how your very gay

1. Still not gay
2. You don't know much about me :/

But yeah I'll meet him
Also add him to the GC rn.

Damien groaned before adding Shayne to the group chat.

Absolute Queens and Deems

I added Shayne

What is this
- Shayne

The GC

- Queen 2

Who are you?
- Shayne

That's Courtney.

Oh makes sense.
- Shayne

Stop talking I'm trying to do Stat.
- Queen 1

That's Olivia
Also don't be a bossy bitch gurl.

- Queen 2

You DID NOT call me that
We're breaking up
- Queen 1

- Shayne

No bby 😢
- Queen 2

I'm joking xx
- Queen 1

AHH cute.

Shut up Damien they're having a moment
- Shayne

Shayne put his phone away and grabbed Damien's to hide it.
"Miss. Whittle was coming." Shayne stated before smiling. "Besides, they were having a moment."

"Oh thanks, man."
"Since when were they dating?"
"Since like 4 months ago."
"Awh that's cute. I like them."
"That's great. Maybe you could do some third wheeling."
"Nah I'll leave that to you. Come on we probably need to answer these questions."
The pair rushed to answer some of the questions. Damien watched as Shayne worked out the answers with speed and precision and noted that he scrunched his nose when focusing: he looked kinda cute.
"Shit that's gay." Damien mumbled
"What?" Shayne asked.
Shit. "Oh, nothing just thinking."
"Uhmm. This problem I do not get any of it."
"It's a factorial. You multiply it."
"Thanks you're so smar..." The deafening shriek of the bell brought to an end of calculus and Damien eagerly waited for lunch to meet up with Shayne again.

Authors note
Another chapter is done. Damien's inner queer is unleashing. Thank you guys for reading this thrilling display of mediocrity by me. 😌


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