9: Cuddly Shayne Is Happy Shayne

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Thank you to food_enthuiast for suggesting a movie to watch :).

While the four of them drove to the cinema, Damien checked his phone to notice a series of texts from his mom.


I'm sorry
There's still a pizza in the freezer.
I'm going to be working late.
Stay safe 💜

I'm sorry too
I overreacted
I'm going to the cinema and then might have a friend over.

Okay sweetie.
Wear protection 💜

Mom, I'd have Shayne over

Point still stands ;)

I'm not gay.

Damien didn't realise the car had stopped and thus was caught off guard by Courtney saying, "We're here." Damien jumped lightly at Courtney's statement, earning a chuckle from Shayne.

Once they got into the cinema, Courtney and Olivia went to buy snacks while Shayne and Damien bought the tickets. Damien saw this as the opportunity to invite Shayne over to his house.

"Hey, do you want to come over to mine after the movie?"

"Oh, um, sure. Why not." Shayne said before smiling. "So I'm thinking Love, Simon or Sonic."

"Courtney said to pick something nice so not Sonic." Damien chuckled.

"Look at you, embracing the gay culture." Shayne said before pressing Love, Simon on the interactive screen.

The tickets and the receipt came out of the machine and the two of them reunited with Courtney and Olivia. The four of them walked to the employee blocking their entrance to the screen and Shayne showed their four tickets.

"Enjoy your film. You're in seats I 6 to 9" The worker said monotonously.

The four of them sat in their assigned seats with each of the "dates" sitting next to each other sharing a large box of popcorn.

About two thirds through the movie, Shayne started crying.

"Hey, it's okay Shayne. It's okay, don't worry." Damien said soothingly while giving Shayne a hug.

"It's not okay, Damien. Martin's a dick and Blue's not talking to Simon." Shayne sobbed, burrowing his head into Damien's chest.

"Martin already was a dick." Damien replied.

Damien looked to his right to notice that Courtney and Olivia were both crying. Damien lightly chuckled at the other three, watching Shayne snuggle up closer to him. The popcorn was long finished at this point and Damien was focused more on Shayne than the movie. Shayne's blonde hair had fallen over his ocean blue eyes which were now red and puffy but still as beautiful as they were when the movie began.

Damien noticed Courtney look over and whisper to Olivia who awwed at him and Shayne. Damien then said to Shayne, "Hey, can you move please. My arms kinda dying."

"But I'm comfy." Shayne whined

"You can go back, I just need to move my arm." Shayne lifted his body slightly, allowing Damien to wrap his arm around Shayne.

Towards the end of the movie, Courtney and Olivia were still crying and Shayne had returned to his sitting up in his seat but Damien had his arm around Shayne still.

"I called it. I told you it was Bram." Shayne said.

"You said it was all of them, Shayne. Don't hype yourself up." Damien chuckled.

In the final scene, Damien started crying.

"Awh, they got another cup of coffee. Awwww."

"You're crying!" Shayne started to laugh.

Damien lightly punched Shayne causing Shayne to groan, "Shut up. It's cute."

The lights of the room starting to illuminate the room, signalling the end of the movie and Courtney got up instantly.

"I really need to pee so can we go." Courtney said.

"Yeah me too." Olivia added.

Shayne and Damien got up and started to move out the aisle to let them get past before collecting the empty popcorn boxes and taking them out of the screen. They waited outside the toilets for Courtney and Olivia for 5 minutes until they came out.

"Right, is everyone ready?" Courtney asked, resulting in the other three nodding. The group hopped into Courtney's car and began to talk.

"So who's to first?" Courtney asked.

"Damien's" said Shayne.

"How did you not cry, Damien?" Olivia asked

"Oh, he cried. At the final coffee scene. Just there. Not when Blue when stops talking to him, not when nobody is going to the Ferris wheel. Not when Bram and Simon kiss. Not when his parents talk to him or when he comes out to them. He cried at the final coffee scene." Shayne shouted.

"It was cute, okay. It was cute and it was the perfect ending." Damien replied defensively.

"Just like how you and Shayne cuddling was cute." Courtney commented, causing Shayne to laugh and Damien to blush.

"Oh my god, you're blushing." Olivia chuckled.

"Stop, please." Damien mumbled.

"Damien, we're here." Shayne said, before getting out and bidding farewell to the two up front.

"Bye, guys. See you on Monday." Damien said.

"Have fun. Don't have too much sex." Olivia said loud enough for Shayne to hear (and blush to). Damien ignored it, recalling his embarrassment moments prior. The two of them headed to Damien's front door and entered.

Authors Note
Thank you guys for reading this slightly longer chapter of my story and thank you in advance for 200 reads (as of writing this it's at 198 reads). And once again thank you to food_enthuiast for suggesting they watch Love, Simon.
I will also apologise to all the Sonic stans for calling it a bad film. It's just not iconic though :)


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