15: Depression

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Shayne was doing homework when he received a text from Damien.

Damien 💛

Hey, do you want to come over.

Yeah sure :)

Shayne quickly put his shoes on and left his house. It was time to be liberated and not be a prisoner of his past. He was going to tell Damien about Bruce. Admittedly, he didn't want to. He had been a burden to enough people, but none of them were as supportive of Damien. That was his only justification to talk to Damien. He was the only person who seemingly cared.

Shayne sent a text to Damien saying he was almost there so when he arrived, he was not surprised to see Damien waiting outside smiling. Shayne rushed to his best friend. "Hey, Dames." Shayne beamed, running up to hug him.

"Hey, Shayne." Damien said awkwardly. "Do you want to come in?" Shayne nodded, rushing in and sitting down on the sofa, not realising Damien's mom was also there.

"Oh hi, Shayne." She greeted

"Hi Damien's mom."

"Mom, you're still here? I thought you had work." Damien said, shocked.

"No, I'm here. Come and give your mother a kiss." She said.

"Mom, you're embarrassing me."

"A mother is allowed to be excited to see her son." She replied. "So, since I won't get it out of Damien, how long have you been together?" Shayne started to laugh.

"MOM!" Damien said frustrated.

"A mother is curious about the diggle where her son puts his dinkie." She chuckled jokingly.

"Mom. Get. Out." Damien said through gritted teeth.

"Alright. Just make sure you wear protection."

"Oh don't worry we aren't dating, Ms. Haas." Shayne said softly.

The pair watched as Damien's mom headed upstairs.

"I'm sorry about her, she can be a little overbearing."

"Oh no it's fine. She reminds me of my mother. Sometimes, I forget what it's like to have a family."

"Oh, I'm sorry. How did you lose them?"

"Well, so about two years ago, I had moved to a new school and at first it was good. People liked me for the most part. I even got on to some Sports teams. But one time after a game, one of the guys thought I was staring at him, which I wasn't but then he talked to the hockey captain who I did have a crush on and.. " he paused, tears forming in his eyes. Damien moved closer to hug him.

Shayne sighed before continuing, "And when Bruce was told, he thought I had a crush on him, and so he beat me up every day. And like I got sick of it, so I fought back and knowing my luck, the one time they see us fighting is when I'm hitting him. So there's no proof that they instigated it. The principal called my parents in and so I was outed to them and now that I was old enough to live by myself they kicked me out."

Damien pulled Shayne closer as he started to cry. "I'm so sorry. You are the last person to deserve that. You're amazing and I'm so proud of you for opening up to me."

Shayne continued to sob for about 5 minutes, soaking Damien's right shoulder, but Damien didn't care. Shayne had opened up to him about something Damien couldn't comprehend how painful it would be.

When Shayne stopped, he noticed Damien's soaked shirt and apologised profusely but Damien didn't care.

When Shayne wanted to watch a movie, Damien let him choose and although he didn't like the movie, Damien didn't care.

When Shayne felt liberated by telling Damien about his past, however, Damien did care. Damien was so happy Shayne was finally comfortable but he couldn't help but long for the same feeling of freedom and Shayne could tell this. "Hey, are you okay, dude you seem kinda out of it?"

"Oh yeah I'm fine don't worry. I think we should probably split in a few minutes."

"No, we're not done yet. Talk to me, Dames."

"There's nothing to say." Damien said dismissively.

"I think there is so let it out. Let me in." Shayne smiled, waiting for Damien to respond.

Authors Note
Good news people.
1) This should be the end of sad Shayne hours for a bit .
2) This recently hit 500 reads
3) If you're reading this you're still alive.

Will Damien open up?
How much will Damien open up?
Can I think of a third statement/question for the two sections of this? (Yes and no)

All in all, I'm much happier with this chapter than the last but that's what I want to end this chapter on. I may have said this before in an announcement or one of the previous 14 chapters, but thank you all so much for your continued support. 💛💙💚

So thank you guys for reading Chapter 15 and yes, I did write the last chapter even though I didn't sign off :p


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