8: No Homo, Bro

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Warning: Homophobic Language is used in this chapter. Please be aware of this if you are reading. (There will be a note when the scene ends so you dont have to read it)

At lunch, Damien met up with his three friends at their usual table. This time none of them had any forgotten lunches and could eat in peace. At least, that was the case until Jacob arrived. Jacob was the previous fourth member of their group, but when Courtney and Olivia started dating, he decided to make their lives shit.

"What's going on, faggots?" Jacob grinned, slamming his fist on the table. Shayne flinched and turned pale at his remark.

"Fuck off." Damien growled.

"I don't think I will. So you finally got yourself a boyfriend, huh, dickhead? Didn't know you were a fucking queer too."

"Leave us alone." Shayne mumbled, clearly scared.

Jacob turned his attention to Shayne, noting him to be the weaker off the two. "What was that, dickhead? You think you can talk to me?"

Damien was pissed at Jacob attacking Shayne, and to protect his friend, stood up and shouted, "He said to leave us alone. I'm not gay and he's not my boyfriend. He's not gay and I'm not his boyfriend. Now would you kindly fuck off because I swear to God, I will kill you before the week is over if you stay for another second." The other four around the table stared, shocked at Damien's aggression.

(Don't worry it's over now)

Jacob sprinted away from the group, causing Courtney to shout, "Bye, bitch!" Damien proceeded to sit back down and eat the slice of pizza he had bought from the cafeteria.

"Holy shit, Damien, that was amazing!" Olivia said, before leaning over to give him a side hug.

"Thank you." Shayne mumbled, worrying that Jacob would return.

"Hey, it's fine. You're my friend and I'm not gonna let a prick like that be such a dick to you guys." Damien responded.

"Yeah, but like you took your defending to a whole new level." Courtney said, still surprised about what had just happened. Damien shrugged, going for another bite of his pizza. "Anyway, is everyone gonna need a lift home?"

The group of them nodded to Courtney's question. "So, how does it sound if we all go to the cinema to watch something as a group? I think we all need a pick-me-up today."

"Yeah, that sounds great, babe." Olivia responded.

"I'd be down."

"Me too. Olivia I'll pay for your ticket for the money you lent me yesterday." Shayne said.

"Shayne don't worry, I was gonna pay for everyone's tickets." Courtney offered.

"Nope, you're not doing that. It's not happening." Damien said. The three others stared at Damien worried. "Don't worry guys, I'm not going to murder Courtney." The four of them laughed.

After a while, Shayne and Damien headed off to calculus with Courtney and Olivia going their own ways.


With about 8 minutes of their lesson left, Damien and Shayne had finished their work and began to talk to each other.

"I don't think I properly thanked you at lunch so thank you so much for what you did." Shayne beamed.

"It's fine, you really don't need to thank me."

"No, I really do because..." Shayne paused.

"Because what?" Damien asked worriedly

"I really need to tell you something. Back at my old school, I was bullied all the time because people thought I was gay and it just really reminded me of that." Shayne mumbled, his voice breaking a bit as he spoke.

"Oh my god, I am so sorry."

"You don't need to be. I mean, it's not your fault I had a crush on the hockey captain." Shayne said, jokingly.

"Excuse me, what?" Damien asked.

"Long story. Don't worry about it - I was just really gay." Shayne said.



"Courtney was right." Damien said frustrated.


"Let me show you some texts she sent yesterday." Damien pulled out his phones and got scrolled through his messages until he found what he was looking for.

Designated Driver

Who r u talking to?
Did you get Shayne's number already
oMG you totally have a crush on him
And he's like 100% gay
Like my gay-dar is exploding.

"Am I that obvious?" Shayne asked bewildered.

"I mean, apparently, but sometimes Courtney likes to ramble."

"So that if something happens she can say she's psychic."

"Exactly! Finally someone who understands me." Damien chuckled. "You're like the 'straightest' gay guy ever."

"And you're the 'gayest' straight guy." Shayne added

"And that's why we're best friends." They said simultaneously, resulting in them bursting into laughter.

"I love you so much, Damien." Shayne said, still laughing.

Damien paused, not knowing how to respond. "I... I love you too, Shayne." He replied, "No homo, though."

"I know, don't worry." Shayne said. The bell rang and the two of them headed to Courtney's car.

Authors Note
High-key forgot I wrote the first half when I finished writing. The homo levels are rising.
Could it have a clean sweep of homo?
Does Damien actually mean no homo?
What movie will they watch (genuine question: please put suggestions)?
Thank you for reading Chapter 8 of Behind A Mask. I hope you all enjoyed it and have a wonderful day :)


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