21: The One Who Nobody Stans

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Monday rolled around again and Damien had a newfound fear. He had always hated Mondays, but this Monday was like none prior. His face reveal had become #1 on Trending and with his channel being watched by at least three people at his school, he was sure he would get some unwanted attention.

He spent the morning contemplating whether he should even go to school. But with his attendance being as bad as it was, he begrudgingly packed his bag and headed downstairs. His mother didn't understand the sudden changes in Damien over the past weeks - he was not out in either sense to his mother. He was just a typical school boy to his mother.

"Morning, sweetie. You looking forward to school?"

"Nope, it's a Monday."

"Mondays happen every week."

"But they come after the weekend and the weekend has relaxation and stuff only seems to happen on the weekend so I'm not exactly excited to go to school."

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm all ears, Damien." Damien's mother smiled lightly.

"Not really, Courtney's probably waiting for me, I'm running late. Love you, mom." He said quickly before leaving.

Damien waited outside for Courtney's arrival, and didn't have to wait long as there she was. But what Damien didn't expect was to see Shayne and Olivia there.

"Oh, are we doing it the other way round now?" Damien asked naively

"No, we just needed to talk. All of us needed to talk." Courtney said, frustration oozing in her voice.

"Is this what I think this is about?"

Damien noticed Shayne nod slightly as Olivia speak. "Yep. Why didn't you tell us at all?"

"I told Shayne." Damien responded, somewhat dismissively.

"See, there it is. Shayne. You told Shayne - who you didn't even know a month ago - but you didn't tell me or Olivia." Courtney said.

"Because me and Shayne don't have a relationship that dictates half our lives. It means that if I want to hang out with someone I almost always can hang out with him." Damien began, his voice having a minor hint of anger. "And I didn't even properly tell Shayne, he figured it out. I'm sorry, I would have told none of you if I had the choice."

"I mean you did kinda tell me." Shayne said.

"Not the time, Shayne." Damien said, lightly. "But yes I make YouTube videos, big deal. Can we go now?"

"We are going, but we just wanted transparency. It's like you two are always hiding something from us." Courtney said defeatedly.

"Well, there is one thing we haven't told you guys." Shayne said. "We were planning on going to Homecoming together."

"Just as friends." Damien interjected, not wanting them to think the two were dating.

"And to think that I was about to say that we could go on double dates." Olivia chuckled.

"Olivia face it, it's not gonna happen. It'll just be us unless one of them choose to third wheel."


The group, in a rush to eat their food after a late dismissal from their Theatre teacher, sat at their previous table to have lunch. It was fine at first until one particular human chose to ruin their life.

"Oh, hi guys, can I sit with you." The person asked, Shayne shivering and Damien's fist clenching.

"Depends, what are you eating?" Courtney asked, sarcasm dripping in her tone.

"A... Sandwich." The person responded  quietly.

"Oh, is that some carbs. Get out." Olivia said.

"Yeah, Jacob, you can't just give us shit for being gay and then just come back to us." Damien said.

"But, you know, we were friends back in the day. And you're like a Youtuber so..."

"And I don't make videos for your entertainment. I make it for the viewers who aren't dickheads." Damien coldly replied.

"But, Damien. I'm like a huge fan."

"And, Damien clearly doesn't care. So would you kindly fuck off because I'm sure Damien has more fans at this school than just you and they certainly wouldn't like someone who actually has importance to be attacked by a Stan as sheerly incompetant as you." Shayne said.

Jacob stood up and started to leave, "I'll remember this, you bitches."

"Bye, bitch. We won't miss you." Olivia said.

Once he was out of earshot, Damien said, "Carbs, huh?"

"I didn't have any good ideas."

"Speaking of good ideas, Shayne, holy shit." Courtney said.

"What? I just needed to prove that I'm not a bottom."

"You're still a bottom. But like a power bottom." Damien said, causing the group to laugh. "But still, that was good."

"I just used your source material." Shayne muttered.

"You did so much more than that." Olivia said.

"I mean, compared to 'carbs, get out' i guess so". Shayne chuckled.

Authors Note
Carbs, get out and would you kindly are the most iconic phrases that I have in this.
Also Fuck Jacob am I right?

Is Shayne still a bottom?
What is Olivia's issue with carbs?
Will Damien come out to his mom?

Thank you for reading Chapter 21 of Behind A Mask 💛💚💙


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