7: He Likes Warm Hugs

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Late in the night, Shayne received a notification on his phone.

FrozenGaming has posted a new video.

Shayne clicked on the video and started watching it. He couldn't help but recognise the voice from somewhere.


The next day, Damien woke up, had a shower and sent his latest video to Mari. He rushed downstairs to have some toast but was met with his mother.
"Dames, we need to talk."

"About what?" Damien said groggily.

"You're never around here anymore. You got home at 11. Your friends Shayne and Courntey checked to see if you were okay."

"Of course I'm okay, why wouldn't I be?"

"Well, Courtney said that you've been acting differently. And Shayne said that he thought you were hiding something." His mother stated. Damien groaned, worried that Shayne thought he was gay, or worse. He could have found out about his channel.

"Mom, nothing is going on. Trust me." Damien lied.

"See this is what they mean when they say you're hiding something! Just talk to me!" She shouted. Damien was shocked that she had raised her voice. "I'm sorry, Damien. I just feel like I'm raising an entirely different son."

"I know mom, but I don't have anything to hide." Damien said before grabbing his bag and leaving without eating. He walked until he reached the nearby park, tears slowly falling down his face, before realising he should probably text Courtney.

Designated Driver

Hey can you pick me up from the park.

You do realise I don't leave for another 20 minutes.

Yeah, I'm sorry.

What happened?

My mom and I got into an argument and I walked out

Okay I'll be there in 5. :)

Damien sat on the swing and waited for what felt like an eternity. As he waited, he realised how much he had fucked up. He constantly made everyone's life worse. He knew he should apologize but he couldn't bring him round to crying in front of her.

When Courtney arrived, Damien sat against the fence separating the park from the field. He watched her run over and give her a hug.

"Oh my god. Damien, are you alright?"

"Does it look like I'm alright." He mumbled. "I fucked up. I really fucked up."

"Oh, Damien it's okay."

"It's not okay. My mom doesn't trust me what so ever. She thinks I'm hiding something because you were worried."

"I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." Courtney said. At that Courtney's phone started ringing, " Is it okay if I take this, it's Shayne?" Damien nodded slowly.

"Hey, where are you?" Courtney asked, before putting it on speaker.

"Sorry, I didn't have my phone on me because I was on a run. Is Damien alright?"

"I'm fine Shayne don't worry." Damien said

"Okay, Shayne can you come quickly please. He's really not alright." Courtney said.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Should I get Olivia?"

"She said she was coming. Don't worry. Bye." She said before hanging up. "Thank god, you're smiling."

"You really called Shayne and Olivia to come here." Damien beamed. Courtney nodded. "Thank you. You're the best friend I could ever have." He hugged Courtney, before bursting into tears again.

"Hey, it's okay. It's okay." Courtney said soothingly. They spent a few minutes there and as the time passed Shayne and Olivia arrived and joined the hug.

Courtney's alarm hummed a gentle tune. She turned it off and pulled apart the group hug, signalling that they needed to head to school and today the car didn't feel as crowded, even with another person it the car.

Authors Note
I'm going to start updating this slightly later due to being back in school/quarantine

Thank you for reading


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