3: The Gay-Dar

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Shayne sat next to Damien, who was now staring at Shayne due to having a "GayMeltdown™", and stammered, "Hi. I'm Shayne."
"Damien." He outstretched his hand and the two shared a handshake that went on for far too long.
"Hi Shayne, I'm Courtney." She beamed, "This is my... good ol' pal Olivia." Olivia waved slowly before punching Courtney under the table. Shayne and Damien both decided to go on their phone while the lovebirds began pronouncing their undying love to each other. Damien checked his phone to see his text from Mari.

Coolest Girl

Oh, btw Joven is gonna be there :)

Cool, you two dating yet?

No, not yet
I was planning on asking him out while there.
Really need a pep talk :P

Damien smiled at the messages before sending a "ttyl" and noticed a series of messages from Courtney while he was talking to Mari.

Designated Driver

Who r u talking to?
Did you get Shayne's number already
oMG you totally have a crush on him
And he's like 100% gay
Like my gay-dar is exploding

1. Not gay
2. Not Shayne
3. What even is a gay-dar

You don't know about the gay-dar?
Well, its like I have gay ESPN or something.


Anyway who was it then?

Just a friend.

Ask Shayne what lesson he has.
Then you might not be as lonely in the back. ;)


Damien looked up to see Courtney and Olivia laughing and urging him to do it.
"So, uhm... Shayne, what lessons do you have?"
"Oh, I have calc first." Shayne smiled.
"What room?" Damien enquired, hoping for him to be in his class so he didn't sit alone for an hour.
"Me too! I could show the way to it, if you want." Damien offered enthusiastically.
Shayne face flushed a deep crimson before muttering a quick, "ok."

Damien once again felt the vibration of his phone to see a string of messages from Olivia and Courtney

Absolute Queens and Deems

He is definitely gay
- Queen 1 (Olivia)

So gay
How do you not see it
- Queen 2 (Courtney)

- Queen 1

Like omg
We can have double dates
- Queen 2

No more third wheeling
- Queen 1

I don't think he's gay
And I know I'm not gay
So there's not gonna be double gay
It's still third wheeling

- Queen 2

- Queen 1

Before being able to reply the bell rang and Damien headed to Calculus with Shayne as Courtney and Olivia watched.

Authors Note
Yay Chapter 3 is done! And we have some major chaotic gay energy.
I hope you all enjoyed and are surviving quarantine :p.


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