18: Friendship is Magic

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Damien and Shayne sat in calculus, work completed and conversations brewing.

"I have a revision to the gay agenda - I will have to hang around with the best gay for an extra hour. So that's a win." Damien said.

"I'm so proud."


"You used the gay agenda unironically. I need to tell Courtney all about this." Shayne replied.

"Don't you do it, Shayne. She'll be the one who's too gay to function."

"If there's one thing you should know about me it's that you do not quote Mean Girls to stop me from doing something."

"But doing it would not be fetch."


"I'm stopping only because you asked, and also because I need to before Someone Gets Hurt."

"That does mean you name a song from the musical." Shayne commented.

"Stop is a song from the musical so I just thought we were going down the line that More Is Better." Damien chuckled as Shayne lightly punched him.

"Would you kindly sto... stray away from being a Mean Girls Stan and divert the topic away from it, please?" Shayne said, before smiling.

"So, you know taxes..."

"Back to mean girls." Shayne said, laughing.

"No, I'll stop, don't worry." Damien said, before being quiet for about 10 seconds. "Oh my god. I know I said I would stop but we're in Calculus. That's the main class in Mean Girls. Where's Aaron?" Shayne tapped Damien on the shoulder, causing them to both double over in laughter.

"Did you know in Poland Aaron's name was changed to Shayne?" He said, jokingly.

"Well in that case we should go to Homecoming together." Damien paused, comprehending what he had said and turned away. "Just as friends because like there's not really any other options."

"I'd like that." Shayne beamed, his face beet red.


Shayne spent his lunch finishing an Art project and so the two only reunited at detention - if they could even call it that. Mr. Raub just told them to stay in the class and do what they want and the only thing to do was each other.

(that's a joke this isn't going to be me writing smut)

The two of them decided to get out their American History homework due in tomorrow: an essay on a key moment of early US history (pre civil war). Shayne and Damien decided to write about the stepping down of George Washington from presidency - for the sole reason that it would be different and hopefully give them a better grade. The work wasn't interesting, but being together felt amazing.

When Mr. Raub returned to dismiss them, the pair had finished the work, and were itching to leave. The pair had planned to walk home together as Courtney, being Courtney, was able to go home on time.

"You know, it's quite nice walking home. It's quiet." Shayne said, turning to Damien. He smiled lightly in return, also enjoying the peaceful atmosphere. They walked quietly, their hands occasionally brushing against each other but neither cared. It was nice have the other person in their company. Although neither would admit it, they both liked each other, but going to homecoming as friends would be a good start for the two of them.

Authors Note

Woo musical theatre. Thanks to all of you for reading this chapter. Now onto the aesthetic of rhetorical questions.

Do all questions require an answer?
Was Damien wearing socks when he asked Shayne to Hoco?
Will the pair of them wear matching suits?

I appreciate your ingestion of my mediocre writing: Chapter 18 of Behind A Mask. 💛💙💚


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