28: What Is A Taco Bell?

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Damien woke up late on Sunday to see a message from Shayne

Shayne 🏳️‍🌈💛

Do you know where we're going? xx

Idk, was it said in the group chat?

I don't think so, I'll ask Olivia. xx

Okay xx

Damien got out of his bed and put on a t-shirt, forgetting about Shayne's message. He only checked his phone when he was going to grab it before heading downstairs and saw a series of messages from Shayne.

K so she said that we'd go to TacoBell or Chick-fil-A
Where'd you rather go because I don't care?

Idk TacoBell?

K cool. Do you want to meet there or beforehand?

Before. Then we can talk xx

Yay. I'll see you later 💙


Damien put his phone down and sighed. He hadn't talked to anyone for a great deal since Homecoming, prioritising a bulk recording of videos to his friends. He answered any messages he was sent, but he didn't actively try to communicate with anyone. It would be an understatement to say he was excited for the date.

Damien went downstairs to an empty house, not realising quite how late he had woken up. He grabbed a leftover slice of pizza from the night before and had a late lunch. He found a note from his mother on the coffee table.

Money for your date <3.

"Thanks, mom." He muttered to himself, grabbing the money. Damien returned back upstairs and showered, got changed into something more appropriate for the date and went to text Shayne.

Shayne 🏳️‍🌈💛

Hey is it alright if I come over now X

Yeah sure xx

Damien rushed to put his shoes on and got to the door of his house, not realising he still had the money. He had been debating whether to take it or not, and as he left, he put the money on the window sill. His mother worked a deadend 9 to 5 job and needed the money far more than he did.

He walked quickly to his boyfriend's house, excited to meet with Shayne for the first time since dating. Damien arrived to find a smiling blonde outside the house.

Shayne had prepared for the triple date and waited for his boyfriend for about two minutes. Upon seeing the taller, Shayne rushed to him and wrapped his arms around Damien. Damien instantly returned the hug.

"I missed you." Damien whispered warmly.

"I missed you too, Dames." Shayne responded, preventing the hug from continuing and dragged the other inside. Shayne and Damien didn't realise that it had just gone 3pm and that they would need to leave soon.

The hours went by with the pair talking and enjoying themselves before they had to leave. The pair walked with hands intertwined to the Taco Bell, noticing Mari and Joven already there.

"Hi, Shayne. You finally did it huh?" Mari asked, noticing the pair's hands.

"Wait a second, Damien. Damien did you hear that?"


"Mari assumed I asked you out. Clearly I am not the bottom. We did it Bois." Shayne answered, earning a chuckle from Damien as Courtney and Olivia arrived and began walking toward the group.

"Excuse me what? Damien isn't the bottom? Have you even talked to him?" Joven responded.

"Damien has a tough boy vibe at school. He doesn't do the soft boy stuff." Shayne responded, with Courtney and Olivia within earshot.

"Are we talking about Damien again?" Olivia asked.

"Ah there you guys are. Courtney and Courtney's Better Half." Mari said, referring to Damien's contact names.

"Hey! I'm not that bad." Courtney said grumpily.

"Doesn't mean Olivia can't be better than you." Joven added, causing the group to break into laughter.

"Anyway. It's food time, bitches." Shayne exclaimed suddenly, resulting in the group stopping their argument and entering the Taco Bell.

The group ordered their food and sat down indulging in their respective items. The group's talked, wanting to get the full story from Shayne and Damien about how they actually got together. The two explained in great detail about how Shayne waited outside the willow tree where they ate lunch (causing Courtney and Olivia to "aww"), how Shayne heard Mari shouting down the phone and was the main reason they actually got together - which resulted in Mari joking that she was above them - and how they kissed in the photo booth. Damien took the picture of the photo on his phone out and showed it to the group.

Damien then asked, "What's the date today?"

"May 29th." Mari responded instantly.

"So, I generally run video ideas through Mari, but today I just want to run it through with all of you, because you guys are my friends, right?" The group nodded. "So June's coming up and I'm only really out to you five and my mom. I want that to change and I kinda want to do a coming out video."

Courtney squealed at the statement, excited. "Go for it. If it's what you want to do then do it."

"And I kinda wanted to have some of you guys in the video or there when I record for support."

"I mean, I'm your editor so I'll gladly do it." Mari responded, supportively.

"I'll do it as well." Joven added.

"Would you reveal that we're dating?" Shayne asked, worried.

"Probably not in that video but maybe at a later time. It depends when you want to really." Damien answered.

"Okay. I'll do it then."

"Me too." Courtney and Olivia responded.

"Thank you. I just really don't think I could do it alone." Damien said, voice breaking slightly. Shayne leaned in to hug his boyfriend, a contented sigh leaving the latters lips.

Authors Note

Hi guys I'm back. Due to complications it's coming out today but to make up for it I will try to get a double upload.

I saw Anne Boleyn trending on Twitter today and now I'm trying to correlate the six characters to the queens. Somebody send help.

How will Damien's coming out go?
What do you think they ate a TacoBell?
Why am I ending the book in two chapters?

Find out later today, in the next chapter of Behind a Mask. :) Have a good day and stay safe people. Love you all 💛💚💙


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