17: A Night To Remember

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Courtney bounced in her seat when she saw Damien's messages in the group chat. She had long thought that Damien was hiding something and now that he had opened up, she had a new found confidence. She had long been part of the student council and had, throughout the whole year, planned for a student run homecoming event.

When Shayne arrived at the school, Courtney's drive to get this to be amazing increased exponentially. Damien had a friend who he trusted and Courtney enjoyed that. She cared about Damien and was worried about him when he didn't go to school for weeks at a time. She was worried that he felt alone and cast aside.

Damien had changed when Courtney and Olivia started dating - and it wasn't his fault. Courtney had neglected their friendship and he was cast aside partially. Shayne gave Damien the opportunity to not be a third wheel and to have someone to truly be their best friend.

This made Courtney hatch a plan. She told Olivia all about how she had planned a homecoming event and how it was approved by the school board. She had planned it to happen in three weeks - the week before graduation.

She had also told Shayne about homecoming. He had talked about liking Damien for a while and now that Damien had come out, he had his best opportunity yet to ask the brunette out.


Olivia had made a plan for when Damien got picked up in the morning. Olivia and Courtney had decorated the interior of her car and were ready to get Damien tomorrow. The decoration wasn't extreme, she didn't want it to seem like everything was changing. They just added a splash of colour and a couple of keychains at the front. They didn't change much but the picture of the four of them as a group gave a homely aspect to the car.


Damien got a message from Courtney in the group chat.

Absolute Queens and Queers

So, I'm gonna get people the other way round.
- Queen 1


I'm still number 2 😎
- Queer 2

Cant wait xx
- Queen 2

Oh god, we're gonna have to deal with them.

Eh we won't be too bad.
- Queen 1

Damien now waited for his friends and he was worried that they weren't coming. He left his house and headed towards Shayne's, following the way that Courtney would drive. His worriedness was not well founded as on his way, a familiar car pulled up to him.

"Get in loser, we're going to school." Courtney said, earning a sensible chuckle from the other two in the car. Damien jumped in and noticed a slight change in the car.

"Why are there keychains now? What did you do?" Damien asked concerned.

"We decorated. And I wanted a picture of us in my car." Courtney stated, starting to drive. They talked about random topics, most of which of no importance, but one sparked his interest.

"So Damien, how's your first full day as a fellow queer." Olivia asked.

"Yeah, what's on the gay agenda today, Dames?" Shayne asked.

"Well I've got calculus with the best gay. Then I have 3 hours to have a GayMeltdown and then the best gays can have lunch under a tree, which is nice. And then the original gay has Spanish with me." Damien said laughing.

"Oh so I'm not the best gay. After all we've been through." Courtney said, forcing a fake frown.

"And what gay am I?" Olivia asked.

"Courtney you can't be the original and the best gay. Shayne gets the best gay title and Olivia is the horny gay." The rest of them laughed.

"Hey, I'm not always horny." Olivia said.

The group arrived in homeroom to find an almost full class. They had lost their row of seats. The four of them split up into their typical pairings.

Mr. Raub stood up to make an announcement, "Good morning, class. Today I have a special announcement. This year, we are having our first student run Junior homecoming. So, get busy because you don't want to be the person who isn't going. Go back to what you were doing." He said before walking around the room.

"Courtney actually did it." Shayne said.

"You're telling me Courtney was planning this." Damien gasped as Shayne nodded. "Holy shit."

"Damien, watch your language or you'll have detention."

"Sir, all due respect but that isn't fair."

"Silence. The two of you will both have detention in here after school. I'm sure I could find some thing for you to do." He boomed.

"Well, guess my chances of getting a date for homecoming are massively reduced. Oh no." Damien said once the teacher had walked off. Shayne laughed as the bell rang and the two headed to calculus, the second stage of Courtney's plan drawing nearer.

Authors Note

Oops, another late upload my bad bidgets. We had our first bits of not focusing on Damien or Shayne.

Does Courtney have ill intent?
Will one of them ask each other out before Hoco?
What will happen in detention?

Thank you for reading the latest chapter (17 holy shit.) Of behind a mask 💛💙💚.


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