24: The Arrival

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Courtney had been able to avoid her lessons with the rest of the student council, preparing the whole of the main hall to change it into the venue.

She had directed the DJ to where they needed to set up and helped the hired cameramen bring their equipment and a box full of props to a corner in the hall. The hall had the majority of the centre emptied and the group had put some chairs and tables toward the side.

After lunch, the majority of the student council members had focused on the cafeteria, helping the janitors clean it up and creating a space for drinks to be grabbed from and a separate location where snacks could be eaten. It was amazing in Courtney's opinion, and ten minutes before the end of school, the council members were dismissed by the principal.

She waited for her friends in their car and watched as Shayne, Olivia and Damien finally arrived. The trio were all excited to see Courtney again, who did not turn up to lunch. "Babe! Where were you at lunch?" Olivia asked worriedly.

"Oh, I was preparing for homecoming. It's today, remember." Courtney responded

"Is it going to have the awful music?" Shayne asked, unaware of homecoming at their school.

"God no. The student council made a list of songs for the DJ to put on at the beginning but people can suggest a song and even allows some people do Karaoke. I did the Karaoke songs."

"Oh no. What did you do?" Damien asked, scared.

"Well, I got a lot of sappy duets." Courtney laughed.

"You had better put Start of Something New on that list." Shayne responded. Courtney fell silent, focusing on driving.

"Oh God, you did didn't you?" Damien laughed. She still didn't respond, wanting the worrisome nature of the group to become known to the situation.

A minute passed of the group just staring at Courtney, until she started laughing. She only spoke once Damien had to leave, "I might've got some High School Musical songs in there. Anyway, bye Damien. I'll pick you up later." He hopped out of the car, chuckling and watched the group leave.

"Oh, Courtney you don't need to pick me and Damien up. We were going to walk together." Shayne said to the two in the front seat. Courtney and Olivia exchanged a knowing glance before one of them spoke up.

"Don't make out too much."

"Babe, you know they aren't dating. We already have the double date thing with Mari and Joven." Courtney responded.

"But he does like Damien." Olivia added.

"Doesn't mean he likes me." Shayne mumbled. "And I'm not going to make the first move, you made it pretty clear that I'm the bottom."

The group chuckled, before Courtney responded. "Look, Shayne. You're too much of a blushing mess to notice the way Damien looks at you and I understand that. But take it from me and listen to me when I say it's obvious he likes you, I mean it's obvious he likes you. I will make you do Start of Something New for Karaoke unless you accept that he likes you back."

"I'll happily do Start of Something New for Karaoke." Shayne responded. "Hey, can you pull over you just passed my house?"

"Oh, shit. Sorry about that." Courtney said, chuckling. Shayne left the car and headed inside.

"Don't forget the yellow tie." Olivia yelled.

Courtney then drove another minute, getting to Olivia's house, giving her a quick kiss, and headed to her house.

She had one hour to get dressed, pick Olivia up and arrive for last minute preparations. She rushed upstairs and grabbed her turquoise dress from the wardrobe. She put it on and looked in the mirror, unsure of what shoes to wear. She found some white stilettos and some flats to wear in the car when driving.

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