22: Suit Me Up...

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Shayne had been planning to get a rental homecoming suit for a while - knowing that is was going to happen a month prior. He had asked Courtney to come with him to get a second opinion on what suit looks the best on him. What he hadn't planned was for Courtney to bring Olivia with her.

Shayne wasn't opposed to this though, he just didn't want Damien there. The three of them went into the store and was greeted with an employee.

"Hi, how can I help you?" The employee asked.

"Uh, hi. I was here for the suit rentals." Shayne mumbled.

"Okay I'll just have to do a few measurements to find the range that would work best." The employee grabbed a tape measure and recorded the chest, waist and hip circumference of Shayne, who's face demonstrated that he was uncomfortable. Courtney and Olivia gestured to his to say that it was okay, but he didn't really want to be touched by people that he didn't know.

The employee directed the trio to an aisle full of suits of varying colours: blue, black, white, red, even a multicoloured one that looked horrid. The employee allowed him to take ones that he wished to try on - taking a navy blue blazer with black trousers, a pure black suit and a pure white suit.

The first one Courtney and Olivia saw was the white one and begged him to try it on. Shayne thought it was too loose and could easily become ruined but the other two really liked it. "I'm going to get another one, I'm not really sold on this."

"You're kidding! It looks great on you." Courtney said.

"But the other ones might look better, okay babe. Let Shayne try on another one." Olivia replied.

The pair were talking when Shayne returned and didn't notice him in the navy suit until Olivia screamed.

"Holy shit, Olivia. What the fuck was that abo... Oh my God, Shayne!" Courtney shrieked.


"You look fucking fantastic. Damien's going to love this one." Olivia said.

"Yeah, it really brings out your eyes, bro." Courtney added.

"So this is better than the white one." Shayne said, in a questioning tone.


"Okay, I'll try the other blazer on." Shayne left but returned not too long after due to the blazer being the only thing that needed changing. "I'm back, bitches."

"Oh this is nice." Olivia said.

"It's decent, but the blue one is nicer."

"Oh, yeah."

Shayne put the suits he wasn't buying back and the trio headed to get a tie.

"Oh my god, they have a green tie." Shayne laughed. "This... This is something else."

"Shayne you are not ruining your suit with a green tie." Courtney lectured.

"But I want toooo." Shayne jokingly complained.

"If you want colour, there's this nice yellow tie." Olivia said.

"Or this red one." Courtney suggested.

"I'm not putting them both on, we're not getting anywhere with that. I'm just going to take the yellow one and go home, I'm tired of shopping."

"Okay, I'll drive us home, just like pay for the stuff we'll be outside." Courtney offered.

"Oh, babe. I was going to get my hair done with Damien so I'm going to the Salon. Bye, bitches." Olivia said, giving Courtney a quick kiss before rushing off.

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