Main Character Information

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Gender: Male.

Nicknames: Ame and Meri.

Crush/s: Russia.

Personality: A little annoying, but in a cute way. If he asks you a question and you don't give a satisfactory answer, he'll just follow you around, repeating it. He has absolutely no filter whatsoever, as he is too young to think about restricting what he says, and doesn't really care. He is very self-conscious about his appearance, and worries if he is fat. He has the toddler chubbs. He really wants to look cool to others. He really loves cuddles, and adores playing with Russia and China because they give him snuggles all the time. He also likes to hang out with the two because they play a bit rough like he does, something that most of the kids in the daycare don't enjoy too much. He can be very stubborn. Don't give him too much sugar. He will go on a sugar rush before he crashes.

Appearance: America has eyes that shift and change rapidly in color. It's very distracting sometimes, so he wears sunglasses. He also does this because he is afraid of what others would think about them. He has a little bit of chubb on him, but it's not from eating, it's just baby fat. He doesn't think so, though. His favorite clothes are a t-shirt that's a bit over-sized, and little cute bike-shorts. His cheeks are ridiculously squishy and adorable.


Gender: Male.

Nicknames: Rus and Ruski.

Crush/s: America.

Personality: He doesn't talk all that much, and is pretty shy. He has separation anxiety. He is extremely overprotective, to the point that it's a little frightening, to others at least. He loves hugs a lot, but will only give them, he doesn't really like being hugged. He is best friends with America and China, but otherwise doesn't really associate with the other kids all that much. Not even to his sister. He is a bit headstrong at times, and can make rash decisions in the spur of the moment. Russia has a temper, and when he i in a bad mood, he will sulk all day long. He may come off as cold and intimidating to others, but really he has a big heart.

Appearance: He is tall for his age, and pretty strong for a toddler. He has sharp, green eyes. His favorite clothes are a striped t-shirt, and black Adidas pants. He always wears his ushanka, because when he gets shy he likes to hide in it's soft, warm, protection. He also wears it because it reminds him of his dad, and helps him deal with his separation anxiety. If he parts with his ushanka involuntarily, a rare occurrence, he will tear up, but refuse to cry, instead demanding it back. He doesn't like being called 'little' or 'cute' at all, and he'll pout when he is called as such. However, the pout really just proves the point.


Gender: Male.

Nicknames: Chi.

Crush/s: Asexual. Best friends are Russia and America though.

Personality: China is reserved, and quiet. He prefers to listen than to speak, and seems to have an infinite amount of patience. He loves to play with America and Russia enjoys their competition. He is affectionate with those he is close to, but otherwise keeps a rather formal attitude. He has a tense relationship with Japan because the two just don't seem to mix well, personality wise. He is kind to everyone on the outside, and only those who really know him well can tell if he's angry or upset. He's rather sneaky, and very good at manipulating others to do what he wishes, but he would never lay a finger on his friends, or any of the kids at the daycare, not even Japan.

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