Chapter Sixteen: Into The Fabrication

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A/N: I won't be active today sorry. ;-; Anyway, get ready for some N0ri!!!

3rd person's POV

The door slammed shut, lock clicking into place.

N0na turned on her heel sharply. She stared at the door in disbelief before running up and pounding on it madly.

"What are you DOING?!? Let me OUT!!! HEY!!!" She yelled.

No reply.

N0na whammed on the door one last time, turning and slumping into a sitting position on the floor. The shadow girl placed her head in her hands, a confused and anxious look on her face.

The Readers were silent as they watched in wide-eyed wonder, not putting the puzzle pieces of the situation together.

But finally, something clicked.

The gull-men turned traitor.

All of a sudden, the door swung open harshly, attracting the attention of all in the room. In marched a dozen or more black-clad figures, silver armbands adorning their military-like suits.

N0na stood up with a wild look on her face. "Who the HELL are you? What's going on?!?"

Two of the people broke off from the group, walking towards N0na. They had deadpan expressions, and they all looked uniform in appearance. The two men hoisted N0na up by her shoulders, and threw her into to now open cage, secured by more men with electric-tipped spears leveled at the Readers.

As the room filled with the black suited men and women alike, a large group of...Readers...were being herded in. Each one was identical to a Reader in the cage, but with darker hair and overall darker appearance. 

At the back of the group was Ari.

Well. Sort of.

Three men were restraining him as he kicked and thrashed. Finally, the duplicated Readers and Ari were thrown into the cage, gate procedure forgotten, cage locking once more, and the room emptied.

Ari groaned and pushed himself up from the floor. He looked up sheepishly to apologize to the Reader he landed on.

His eyes widened, and a red hue spread across his face.

It wasn't a Reader. 

It was N0na.

The shadow girl didn't seem to notice Ari, she was shivering, eyes darting all over the cage, breath short and quick.

"N0na...what's the matter?" Ari spoke softly, concern lacing his voice.

N0na looked up sharply. "What's wrong?!? What do you th-think?? They've gone traitor, we're stuck in a cage, nobody's going to rescue us, it's hopeless!!!" N0na sobbed out.

Ari frowned. He picked the panicking girl up, and set her on his lap, rubbing comforting circles into her back and hugging her, placing his chin on her dark hair. N0na's breath evened out as she calmed down.

The Readers and duplicates alike had lenny faces.

N0na chuckled softly and sadly. "D-don't get too close Ir- Ari. You wouldn't want to be cheating on your girlfriend..."

Ari lifted his chin and looked down at N0na in confusion. "What girlfriend?"

N0na met his gaze. "Don't think I didn't know. The girl you are always talking about? How she's the prettiest thing in the world? That one."

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