Chapter Eleven: CoMe AnD gEt Me FrEaKiNg SkY-rAtS!!! (Pt. 3)

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3rd person's POV

"W-w-where is y-your sh-shadow?"

Wait. What?

An0n glanced down at her feet.

No shadow.

She looked up again, the rest of the Readers were backing away from her slowly.

"I-I don't know..." She said hopelessly.

Golden looked at the author with a strange gleam in their eye. "That day at the Ask or Dare, in your art book universe. Ari said he saw you the previous night. And the cover for this universe...who was that behind you?"

The other Readers blinked and stared at the author, their eyes widening in shock and realization.

"And what was that word on their chest? On? And the cut off, it's either -oni or -ona." Golden continued.

"Wh-what? Th-that makes no sense!!!" An0n stammered.

"Maybe not -ona...but..."

"-0na..." Breathed out Kosmos.

Vee looked at the two Readers. "...N-N0na..."

"...Which is An0n backwards..." Golden finished. "This whole time. You are the one who writes the story, after all. You are the one who makes the plot. You are the one who makes the characters. All this time..."

"It was you."


The girl got up from her metallic throne in a luxurious stretch. "Ari!!!"

Said alien came into view. "Yes~?"

"How are they coming along?"

"Fairly well, the first batch should be ready quite soon."

"Thank goodness. It was getting a little quiet around here. Oh, one more thing."


"Can you watch the progress of the gull-men? I'm hungry."

"Of course!! Anything for you~"

The girl's glowing red eyes flashed with an unknown emotion. She walked into a hallway on her left, and strode through the dimly lit corridors. Presently, an old wooden door came into view, black metal decorations giving it an antique appearance. She touched her hand upon the knob.

And stopped.

There was a loud and rowdy noise coming from the other side.

She pressed her ear up against the door, cursing softly when she couldn't quite make out the words. The dark girl whirled around, hand on a door frame on her right, and swinging in.

The kitchen. She opened a cabinet and took out a drinking glass, then ran back to the door.

She pressed the glass on the door, and put her ear on the other end. The sound magnified through the glass.

Ummawhhh"-y can't we do stuff like this with the others?"

"Don't be stupid!! If she found out what we were doin' she might kill us for treason!!!"

The girls eyes narrowed, but widened when an unfamiliar voice emanated from the glass.

"I dunno, I think you could do a lot more with this strategy..."

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