Chapter Twenty One: Screw Planning!!!

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A/N: Yooo, I didn't know you could Bold and Italicize chapter titles!!! :0

Will it show up when it's published?

No, better question.

Will Wattpad let me publish this in the first place???

3rd person's POV

The Rescue team trailed after Pyro towards the 'base' he and Cheese had set up to spy on the now deemed 'Darkguards'. 

A breeze shook the branches of the trees above, sending a few of the leaves to spiral down gracefully. 

Pyro shivered, and grabbed a dryish looking branch from the forest floor, dousing the tip with some liquid he had pulled from a hoodie pocket, and setting it ablaze.

The firelight reflected in the eyes of the dark gas mask, seeming like little blossoms of orange light, or like a pair of warm, amber eyes.

Rose sped up her walk to match her stride to their new pyromaniac friend. "So, uh, why'd you-"

"I was cold." Pyro interrupted, shrugging.

Electraneer heard the gas mask man, and slowed down to a halt. The other Readers looked at them curiously. 

"Hold up guys, I'm going to check the sky out, 'kay?" The dragon-Reader said.

Can tilted her head. "Uh, why?"

Electraneer looked up, an unreadable expression on their face. "I...I'm not's just a feeling. I have this feeling I should fly up and look. I don't know, this is kinda weird."

"DO IT!!!" Yelled Foxy suddenly, startling L who squeaked. Foxy looked at her and chuckled. "Man, are you as squeaky as An0n?"

L giggled. "No, An0n's squeakier than a pin-struck helium filled balloon!"

The Readers all shared a laugh at this, making the atmosphere seem lighter, some of the tension dissolving.

"...Anyway, why so insistent Foxy?" Electraneer questioned after they all had quieted down a little.

"Well, think of it," Foxy began, "We are in An0n's book, right? So, if AN0na is writing this-"

"Wait, how is she writing this?? Aren't we talking right now?" Said Can, interrupting Foxy, who rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"Well, yeah, but, it's like a...connected Realm? To the real one? Like, we are reading this right now, but it's also happening right now. Like another dimension of sorts."

The Readers were silent for a second as they tried to comprehend AN0na's weird concept.

"Anyway," Foxy continued, "If AN0na is trying to get someone to do something, it will be kinda like an influence on their decision. So she must be telling you to go look, which means it's important."

"Wait wait wait wait wait. So, why can't she just write out how we save the day? Like, why don't we have the others back yet? What's holding her back?" Can questioned.

Foxy opened her mouth to answer, but closed it hesitantly. She thought for a second before continuing. "I'm...not sure......I think something's wrong."

Can wasn't satisfied with the answer. "Like what?" 

Foxy shrugged. "Does it look like I know?"

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