Chapter Two: Day 2 COOKIES

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An0n's POV

Today started out fairly normal. The kids didn't show any signs of their powers, so I figured they had worn off. The North American brother's family was the first to arrive. While America still had his backpack leash on, the only direction he ran was forwards, to the great relief of Britain and France. Canada too took off sprinting when he got out of the car.

I laughed as the two boys got into the building. The first thing they did was scan the room quickly, looking for something...or someone. They were disappointed when they saw that they were the first here, but they went over to the building block station and started playing there.

A little while later, the Soviet family arrived. Ukraine walked calmly into the building, but I had to help Russia get off of his tired-looking dad. It wasn't going so well until I leaned over and whispered something into Russia's little (nonexistent) ear.

"America's here~"

He let go of his father and tentatively walked into the building. USSR gave me a confused but grateful look, and I waved as he drove off.

When I walked into the building again, Russia had America on his lap, still playing with the building blocks. Canada and Ukraine were coloring something together, taking turns with the same sheet of paper.

A knock on the door stole my attention away. Before I left, I had a thought. 

'Man, I could really use someone watching these kids while I deal with the parents...'

I smiled and clutched at my pendant again. I knew that any of the Readers would be more than happy to come in and give me a hand with the kiddos.

The pendant grew warm against my palm...

theintrovertedcookie's POV

On the other side of the Fourth Wall...

Cookie stopped what he was doing, rather startled when he felt a warm sensation on his chest. The sprout on his head made a little question mark shape, and he looked down to identify the source of the heat.

The boi grinned in excitement when he saw that it was the key-shaped pendant that was the culprit of the warmth. He clutched it, and it took him to the Fourth Wall, but not before he grabbed the batch of newly-baked cookies that he had been admiring.

He looked up at the wall, smiling softly as he remembered the last time he had been through. He and the other Readers had answered a call for help from the author An0n herself when she somehow managed to get kidnapped by her own story characters.

His grin faded slightly as he remembered the brave character who had died to save his life.

Blinking away tears, he matched up the key on his necklace to a keyhole in the wall. The section of the wall fell away much cleaner than it had when An0n and Japan forcibly broke it. 

He jumped into the foggy abyss, and felt a falling sensation...

On this side of the Fourth Wall...

3rd person's POV

Cookie hit the ground with a thud. The tall green plant-man stood up ad brushed himself off.

"I'm never going to get the hang of that, aren't I..."

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